Nightmarish Encounter With a Snake and Hawk – IOTW Report

Nightmarish Encounter With a Snake and Hawk


Two quotes might help prepare you for reading about Peggy Jones’ lawn-mowing ordeal in rural Texas. “It’s probably been the most terrifying thing that’s ever happened in my life,” she tells the Washington Post. And, more to the point: “The story was so bizarre that even the doctor asked if she was on (some) sort of drugs as she was telling the story,” husband Wendell Jones tells the local Silsbee Bee, per It seems a hawk was flying overhead with a snake in its talons, but the snake wriggled free and landed right on Jones. Things got worse from there.

The snake coiled itself tightly around Jones’ right arm, and the hawk then swooped down to retrieve its meal. This happened over and over, as Jones tried fruitlessly to fling the snake from her arm. “About the fourth time, the hawk got the snake and carried it away,” she tells 12NewsNow. “I looked down and I was covered in blood and I was heading up to the house.” Jones’ one stroke of luck is that the snake, which she said kept striking her in the face, was apparently not venomous. Most of the damage to her arm was done by the hawk clawing at the snake, say doctors. Jones’ arm is recovering, but she describes her nightmares of late as “horrific.” 


22 Comments on Nightmarish Encounter With a Snake and Hawk


  2. I’m horrified by the vastly overused word “horrific”.

    Certain words get to be trendy, for a while. Since I am gladly not a trend-setter, I get to hate them when they appear over and over and over….

  3. My daughter and I were walking our golden retriever Indie up by the pond at Manito Park on Spokane’s S hill one time when we saw a kestrel, a type of falcon with a small catfish underneath it, grasped by its claws when another kestrel swooped down upon the first kestrel knocking the catfish loose and down onto the ground right in front of us. I picked the bloody catfish up and threw it back into the pond. Evidently, we have a few kestrels around this area and even on occasion some peregrine falcons who have been seen in downtown Spokane swooping down from the tops of high buildings and nailing pigeons in midair.

  4. Once, long ago, I was sitting on my Dad’s porch drinking beer while he was out working in his garden. All of a sudden he started dancing, twirling his arms around, and jumping all over the place. I thought, dude’s lost his fucking mind!
    After a while he walked up to the house, all sweaty and puffing. I asked, what was that all about, with a big, shit-eating grin. Seems that a black snake fell out of a tree around his neck.

    I felt like shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. This spring I started feeding a lone crow who began showing up on the railing outside our kitchen every morning. It started with a few crackers twice a day, then the crow brought 2 young crows with her, so I started leaving out a regular pie tin full of chopped up leftovers, twice a day. Then I discovered there were 3 babies and 2 adults, and I was running out of leftovers on a regular basis.

    Now, every morning and afternoon the whole fam is showing up. They know my car, too. I’ve switched up to a good dry cat food which they love. They bring me little gifts, too. One day they brought a brand new pair of black peds. I’ve no idea where they were “found”. Might have even been inside a porch delivery from Amazon.

    Now there are other birds showing up that have never been on the ground here. We have a seagull now who we’ve had to chase off several times. It’ll eat the whole pan of food. And twice we’ve had a Peregrin falcon. All just outside our sliding glass doors.

  6. had a large venomous snake fall into our medic who was taking in some shade under a tree in Iraq while we were blowing up some stuff. one of the blast waves apparently killed the snake in the tree and it landed on him. he screamed and pissed himself, scrambled about two yards and passed out. we thought he got bit but the snake was dead, just scared him. I still laugh thinking about it.

  7. I had a very large black rat snake in a hollow tree that offended a murder of crows somehow. They took turns snatching at him until they killed him in a tree. I didn’t get pictures of the battle as it was in the canopy, but Lady C has an image of the guy here in pic #2…

    …he liked to sun on dead branches of that hollow tree there, too. Glad they got him or this could have been MY story…

  8. This happened very close to me. Falling water moccasins from overhead trees are a thing here. You don’t want a water moccasin biting you. You will have a very bad day if that happens. I was fishing with a buddy from California in a place called Lake Bayou and happened to glance into the tree above him. A huge water moccasin was on a limb about five feet over his head. I didn’t panic as not to startle the snake. I slowly grabbed a paddle and to began push the boat backwards. He asked what I was doing and I had to tell him because he needed to untie the boat. When I told him what the situation was he laughed at first but when he looked up, he exploded into action. He was about to jump into the water and I told him there were more snakes there so he hesitated. I still can’t believe that moccasin didn’t dive onto him before I got us out from under it. We still laugh about it to this day.

  9. In my enlisted days I was prone at the pivot point of an L shape ambush when a big viper decided to slither under me and my battle rattle, it was hot as the second ring of Hades but I was chilled as if air conditioned. That fucker lingered a short time and then slithered right under my chin and weapon and went on its merry way.

    To this day I believe it thought I was just a big tree, us Injuns can hold still I tell ya…

  10. When I was in “Nam”, one of those long (1.5 to 2 ft long) poisonous centipedes with the black jaws landed on my back. I was startled, got the thing off my back, then, as a joke, started running around in circles yelling. I regret that now, because it made me look like a wimp. I was just trying to get a few laughs. But, not a good move on my part.

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