No Censorship of the Right?…. Righhhhttttttttt – IOTW Report

No Censorship of the Right?…. Righhhhttttttttt

ht/ annie

12 Comments on No Censorship of the Right?…. Righhhhttttttttt

  1. *Center for Immigration Studies says Twitter is tagging the phrase ‘illegal alien’ as ‘hateful content’

    *Google bans Gab app

    *Norm Macdonald is dis-invited by Jimmy Fallon over his #MeToo comments(because it made his writers cry)

    As MJA posted…it’s all about the Left controlling narratives. Watch Google the day after MAGA victory in 2016. A must see for those who don’t think tech is unhinged Left.

    No bias whatsoever…………………….not.


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