No Demmies, the DOJ is Not Going To “Audit the Vote” Based On Your Phone Calls – IOTW Report

No Demmies, the DOJ is Not Going To “Audit the Vote” Based On Your Phone Calls

How stupid is the left?

They actually believe the DOJ sits around and tallies the amount of phone calls they receive before deciding if a crime was committed.  Lefties think that if enough of them flood a phone line, voila, a a gripe is legitimized.

DOJ- “39,997 phone calls…. 3 more and we can investigate!!!!”

I guess since American Idol is over they need to dial a phone over and over again for something, anything, just to feel like their life is normal.

No stupids. The DOJ doesn’t require a phone call from a dirty, wool-hatted moron with peach fuzz on the chin (and these are the women) in order to spring into action. And they don’t need to be particularly cajoled into investigating the right, so save your minutes.

Incidentally, no amount of phone calls would get them to indict Hillary. But let’s see what the Trump DOJ will do.


Yes, Heba is Huma’s sister.


ht/ illustr8r

8 Comments on No Demmies, the DOJ is Not Going To “Audit the Vote” Based On Your Phone Calls

  1. That is a can of worms the DNC does not want opened. It would cause way more problems that it would solve. That being Hillary would still be a loser but now a not insignificant number of Democrats would be looking at prison time for voter fraud.

    I’m convened that is why Hillary waited so long before she conceded. She was doing a cost benefit analysis of “if I contend here what will they find there?”; conclusion “make the call to congratulate POTUS elect Donald Trump”.

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