“No yellow.” Hunter Biden Used Slur To Refer To Asians When Talking With Cousin, According To New Report – IOTW Report

“No yellow.” Hunter Biden Used Slur To Refer To Asians When Talking With Cousin, According To New Report

MC: The walking scandal known as Hunter Biden just gave his father, President Joe Biden, another mess to clean up. A new report is claiming that Hunter used a slur to refer to Asians in a 2019 text conversation with his cousin.

Caroline Biden, President Joe Biden’s niece, who has her own quite lengthy rap sheet, was texting Hunter trying to set him up with her wealthy model and celebrity friends. In the 2019 conversation, Hunter said he was looking to date a 24-year-old because they are easy to impress. Hunter was 49 at the time.

“24 is great. Seriously,” Hunter wrote. “It’s incredibly easy to impress a 24-year-old.” Caroline told Hunter try Raya, an exclusive dating app that appeals to celebrities and the ultra-wealthy looking for young groupies.

She mentioned trying to set up Hunter with Lucy Dahl, famous children’s author Roald Dahl’s daughter who she said was ‘super loaded’ and ‘nonjudgemental.’

At one point she asked Hunter: “Do you want foreign or domestic. I can’t give you f***ing Asian sorry. I’m not doing it.”

Hunter said, “Domesticated foreigner is fine. No yellow.” more here

SNIP: So, he’ll only fuck Asian hookers, but he won’t date them?

12 Comments on “No yellow.” Hunter Biden Used Slur To Refer To Asians When Talking With Cousin, According To New Report

  1. It’s as if you are calling into question the integrity and moral fiber of the famous artist and son of our beloved leader, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

    Tread very lightly, my friends.

  2. The New York Times saw fit to put a like 16 year old teenager on its front page for using the N-word.
    But she probably wasn’t a Democrat so it’s kinda explainable.

  3. Growing up on Philly’s Main Line and going to an expensive private school obviously instilled all the virtues of a spoiled brat.

    The Biden family is the Kennedy and Clinton families, except without Cape Cod and the murders.

    America’s political Crème de la Crème.

    They can all roast in Hell.

  4. Wasted time going after Hunter. He’s fully vaccinated. Courtesy of the MSM.

    Where are we on the 400 plus political prisoners being held in DC? Is it time for a couple of thousand of us to go impose bail until their court date? I’m up for that road trip.

  5. Hunter’s just carrying on the old Roosevelt tradition of banging your cousins and then getting them to pimp for you.

    Unfortunately, Uncle Teddy grabbed his shotgun and actually conducted the ceremony marrying Babs and me.

    Eleanor popped out a half-dozen kids before she dropped some ED stuff into my food. Trouble was, it paralyzed all THREE of my legs. The rest is history.

    Welcome to the Biden family America. Good times.

  6. This guy is a piece of shit.

    Anytime anyone accuses anyone of ‘doing drugs’, etc., just tell them: it’s ok when their president’s son does it. So it must be ok.

  7. “…just gave his father, President Joe Biden, another mess to clean up.”

    Oh, like anyone in the media is going to call him out on it? They’re too busy licking his bunghole to notice.


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