Nobody Don’t Know Nothin’ – IOTW Report

Nobody Don’t Know Nothin’

American Thinker:

We are now at the inflection point in the Wu Flu phenomenon, where some fearless prognosticators are prophesying that the economy will never come back and others are prophesying that the economy will come back in a flash.

I dare say that the prophecies have a lot to do with whether the prophet in question leads a religious cult prophesying that Donald Trump will lose the November election or not. You tell me.

Then there are other questions. Was it really such a good idea to shut the world economy down on the basis of computer models that turned out to be wildly inaccurate? Was it such a good idea to close all the schools and thereby prevent young people from K thru grad-school from getting herd immunity?

Was it a good idea for President Trump to have daily Wu Flu news conferences so that any slips could be spun up into yet another bombshell-and-walls-closing-in moment?

Was it anything other than rampant sexism to respond to the epidemic with a girl-centric “shelter in place” policy rather than a guy-centric “march towards the sound of the guns” policy?

Should the temporary relaxation of food regulations allowing food trucks in trucking rest stops be expanded? Or is Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) right to say that “The FDA must not scale back essential food-safety inspections and must maintain food-production requirements and guarantee the safety of our food supply in these trying times”.

Chuck Old Chap — I have a question. Given the immediate publicity on any glitch in the food safety matrix in the good old USA, and the instinct of all American women to “pounce” on any safety issue on anything, and the ability of Democrat-voting lawyers to sue for billions: Are You Kidding Me?

11 Comments on Nobody Don’t Know Nothin’

  1. Take this as you will.

    Up here most Starbucks are closed. Only the ones with drive-thru are open, of which there are few.

    I counted 21 cars lined up in an otherwise empty mini mall.
    (i don’t buy $5 coffee)

    Some business will recover quickly & others will fail.

    The key is make it to November, without getting a microchip implanted in your skull, and to make CHYNA PAY REPARATIONS!

  2. Please tell me how this virus is significantly different than any other past viral infections that we’ve recovered from just fine!
    IT ISN’T!
    The difference this time around is that it involves a bunch of hand-wringing, bead-strumming, un-informed, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, bed-wetting lemmings listening to bullshit propaganda on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC & NBC fed to them by Communist China and democRAT politicians, both of whom absolutely hate Donald Trump and want for nothing less than America to FAIL. Meanwhile we have Napoleonic democRAT politicians tromping on our civil rights who outlaw selling seeds, but selling State Lottery tickets is somehow “essential”!
    And while we’re pondering some of these things, how is it that Anthony “Wuhan Funder Wonder boy” Fauci, predicted three years ago that there was ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak… and it conveniently happens during an election year? Hmmmmmmmm?

  3. In our scout troop we have a canoe regatta every year at our Memorial Day camp (well, not this year). For one of the races there are 2 scouts from one patrol in their patrol’s canoe, and one scout from another patrol whose job is to resist forward progress. There are certain rules, of course, but basically he is back-paddling while the others are trying to move the canoe forward.
    This is our economy now – the back-paddlers are obviously the government figureheads relishing their newfound powers, and the forward paddlers are those who want a better life.

  4. “”An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.” —Niels Bohr ”

    Wonderful quote that I had not heard before. .

    Plus name the winning horse in the Coronavirus Horse Race was nearly the same as your post title. Rated [R] .

  5. Our local Pizza Hut just closed its doors for good and many others are struggling with most saying unless they can reopen without losing diner capacity they will be closing for good also. I think restaurants will be the hardest hit victims of this whole fiasco.

  6. My mother delivered my youngest brother Christmas of 68. She had the “Hong Kong ” flu and didn’t see him for a week. Her other 5 children and my dad didn’t get it, and he didn’t have to close his business, like my brother did on March 16th. Out of control. We are in a different country.

  7. Restaurants will be one of the hardest hit industries.

    As a HVAC Technician, in good times they are a very high credit risk. I do not work for any of them directly. ANYMORE!
    1 – high capital outlay – esp. a franchise!
    2 – high theft rate
    3 – long hours
    4 – HUGE government regulations (some for good reason – booze)
    5 – huge competition
    6 – Not a necessity -breakfast at home and brown bag a lunch.
    7 – MASSIVE rent

    When things get ugly people resort to necessity not extravagant purchases. However, even when times are shitty, they will still go out for a simpler decadent treat.
    The line up at Starbucks, even if it was $25 for 4 items, was much less than $120 sit in dinner with tax and tip.

    McDonald’s would be a good long term stock buy.

  8. The fact that we put up with this shit speaks volumes.
    The fact that we no longer recognize a common flu during flu season speaks volumes.
    The fact that we can be stampeded over the economic cliff on BULLSHIT speaks volumes.
    The fact is: we have (miraculously) morphed from a free people to a colony of lemmings.

    Whitmer, Cuomo, deBlasio, Hogan, Mills, Newsom, and some others, are rubbing their dicks and laughing like Hell.

    izlamo delenda est …


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