NOKO Announces Military Attack on ‘Human Scum’ in South Korea – IOTW Report

NOKO Announces Military Attack on ‘Human Scum’ in South Korea

Breitbart: North Korea’s communist regime spent much of the weekend publishing vitriol against the South in its state media arms, declaring on Monday that unspecified “retaliatory measures” were on the way for Seoul. The measures will be “entrusted to our army,” Pyongyang asserted.

Last week, the regime stopped using a direct phone line established between it and the government of South Korea in 2018, insisting that diplomacy with South Korea was untenable unless South Koreans stopped sending humanitarian aid and leaflets with news about the outside world into the country. more here

4 Comments on NOKO Announces Military Attack on ‘Human Scum’ in South Korea

  1. “kinda starting to look like the Junta’s in charge in NOKO“

    Or China. They’ve been getting signals from our Deep State, and watching the Pentagon shit heads play the junta game here, and they decided to do some provocation by proxy. I fully expect the back-stabbing Deep State brass here to tell Trump they will not deploy to Korea if ordered. If it takes abandonment of an ally and the humiliation of America to Get Trump, so be it.


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