FreedomDaily: A mosque located in Richardson, Texas, was named a co-conspirator in the biggest terrorism financing trial in United States history. The mosque, also known as Dallas Central Mosque, was set up from its development to fund the terrorist organization, Hamas, and terrorist activities.
The funds were designed to go to the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), also was based in Richardson. The difficult part about this is that in 2001 the HLF was designated by our own federal government as a terrorist organization.
Yeah, whaaaaaat?! indeed?!?!?!?
How did they fall from the protection by the Muzlim Mallard in the White Hut?
I sure hope they checked the basement for the ‘non-existent supplies’.
Gotta love Texans.
“Say it ain’t so, Mo’…!”
Now if I were dealing drugs from the basement of my house, the house would be confiscated and sold at auction. Wanna bet the Muzzies got to keep the mosque?
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
Listen in to every single mosque AKA terror-cell — plotting in plain sight.
Bulldoze that sumbich and build a church.
Don’t forget the pig heads.
That shadow you see in the southern sky is Loretta Lynch and her winged monkeys headed to Dallas.
In every Mosque that this is discovered, every attendant should face immediate scrutiny, and if found involved: Non Citizensdeported. If they are American Citizens they should be stripped of said citizenship and their entire family deported to Government housing in Antarctica.
Then level that house of Satan and build a sausage factory.
Let’s buy the place and turn it into The Pig Stand BBQ #4.
This a good start.
I’m with you except for the gubmint housing. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay a dime for these dirtbags. Let ’em build igloos.
One down, all the rest to go.
My classical music station is infected with NPR news on the hour. This morning, they didn’t run this story. They ran the story about the mosque in CA where there was suspected arson. Lots of pearl clutching talk about “reprisals”.
A matter of blocks from the storefront of Holy Land Foundation.
Same neighborhood.
Same constituency?
Pig rendering plant.