Nose Nothing – IOTW Report

Nose Nothing

ht/ optionhome

22 Comments on Nose Nothing

  1. She is a liberal celebrity. She is entitled to all the protections of walls and armed security that the clambering masses are not. Don’t you know that by now?

  2. My parents taught me that if I don’t have anything good to say about someone…especially a rancid fat old commie skank like her, then I shouldn’t say anything at all. 🙂

  3. I was transitioning as flight mechanic from H-52’s to H-3 Sikorsky’s in the mid 80’s at Cape Cod MA. Flying off of the island of Private Prima Donna’s (Martha’s Vinyard) was verbotten . So was Fischer Island in Miami where Oprah lives. Amazing how they have such double standards and justify it by telling us how beautiful they are. Such skanks, all of them. Yep babs, you suck. Until I see a couple of dozen goat herders in your yard that you are taking care of STFU.

  4. Funny how they’re all the epitome of all 7 of the deadly sins. They’re already dead but just too dumb to know it. I for one will not miss them as they go down the river Styx on their journey to hades. A friend of mine said he never knew them. So shall I.

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