Not a shocker: Most corrupt cities are run by democrats – IOTW Report

Not a shocker: Most corrupt cities are run by democrats

National Sentinel-

Four of the top five cities in the country rated as the “most corrupt” are run by Democrats, according to a new study, and what’s more, they’ve been in Democratic hands for years.

Chicago is the No. 1 most corrupt city in America followed by Los Angeles, according to a new report from the University of Illinois-Chicago.

The study was based “on the number of federal corruption convictions between 1976 and 2017,” CBS Chicago reported.

The Windy City had 1,731 convictions during that time period, while the Central District of California had 1,534. Meanwhile, the Manhattan area had 1,327 and while Miami had 1,165, according to the report. Washington, D.C. had 1,159 (Note: Miami’s mayor is Francis Suarez who is a registered Republican, but the Office of Mayor is officially non-partisan; he was preceded by another registered Republican, Tomás P. Regalado).

CBS Chicago noted further:

Drawing information from the Department of Justice, the report shows 25 public figures were convicted of charges tied to corruption in 2017 in the City of Chicago and the northern third of Illinois. 2017 was the most recent year for which the DOJ data was available, the report says.




8 Comments on Not a shocker: Most corrupt cities are run by democrats

  1. Wow. Then figure how many charges did NOT end in a conviction, plus how many investigations did not result in charges being filed. I’m thinking the numbers shown in this study are just the tip of a very large iceberg, and that is with (only) around 30-40 convictions PER YEAR!

  2. That is the left’s business model:

    first: impoverish people; take their guns; then control the newly depenendent; then loot them.

    The GOPe are sucker fish feeding alongside the leftist shark.


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