Not funny in the least – IOTW Report

Not funny in the least

Who enjoys this? I don’t care if you hate Paris Hilton for whatever reason, what this show did to her is ridiculous. (Many of the usual youtube morons are reflexively saying “fake.” Apparently they’ve never seen Paris Hilton try to act.)

The pranksters talked Hilton into going on a ridiculous looking sight-seeing airplane, then they faked that it was crash landing.


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Hate her if you will, but if this isn’t fake, Paris did something in this video that flies in the face of her being a coddled, rich narcissist that is only concerned with herself.

The first thing she does when she gets out of the plane, still thinking the event was real, is ask about a stranger who was pushed out of the plane in what was supposed to be life-saving measures.

I’m not sure I would have done that, which has me reexamining myself.


17 Comments on Not funny in the least

  1. Yeah, that was kinda wrong….the raw emotion from her was real….coulda caused a heart attack or something….my one recurring thought throughout the whole video was….I bet she ain’t wearin’ any panties….I’m gonna go reexamine my self too…

  2. what kind of seriously screwed up mentalities carried this stupid idea all the way to it’s end…oh wait, that is probably an example of liberal/progressive humor…moronicus maximus

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