Not-So-Distant Future or Wishful Thinking? – IOTW Report

Not-So-Distant Future or Wishful Thinking?


The Atlantic magazine on Tuesday published an article suggesting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) would resign from her leadership role “in the not-so distant future.”

“Sometime in the not-so-distant future, probably after next year’s midterm elections, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will announce that she’s stepping down” the Laurene Powell Jobs-owned publication wrote. More

13 Comments on Not-So-Distant Future or Wishful Thinking?

  1. I think there’s going to be a few more stepping down. After all, Cuomo stepped down without much of a fight recently as well. I think they’ll put even worse people in those spots, we have not seen things as bad as they’re going to get before in our history.

  2. “yes, Nan. time for you to ‘retire’ next year. go home, take a nice rest … a nice long dirt nap to cleanse your soul.” ~ Satan

    Burn in Hell Nan … FDR, get the coals especially hot … shriveled souls, as you well know, are harder to burn


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