‘Now cut off my mic!’ Dan Bongino refuses to be bullied by Don Lemon – IOTW Report

‘Now cut off my mic!’ Dan Bongino refuses to be bullied by Don Lemon

BPR: Things got real personal Tuesday night between CNN’s Don Lemon and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino while discussing Donald Trump’s much maligned comment on Second Amendment supporters possibly stopping rival Hillary Clinton.

Perhaps Lemon took exception to Bongino summarizing the hyperventilating on the left as being “in the comical realm.”

Either way, Bongino correctly labeled the charge that Trump was somehow calling for the assassination of Clinton as “absurd” while explaining his point of view.

18 Comments on ‘Now cut off my mic!’ Dan Bongino refuses to be bullied by Don Lemon

  1. the guttersnipe GOP leadership is pulling out all the stops to remove Trump from the ticket…I for one think if anyone should be stomped on, it is the GOP leadership, from Bushes, to Mittens, and the trash in Congress… I will never vote GOP, only for Trump….the rest of them can piss themselves…

  2. Don Lemon; aptly named sour puss. That guy is an angry pitbull liberal TOOL, who has an IQ less than his shoe size, I suspect. He and others on CNN are EXACTLY why CNN is going down. So long, fool.

  3. Here is what Trump said:
    “Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish — the 2nd Amendment.
    By the way, and if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the 2nd Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
    He starts discussing Killary wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment, and a possible way she could do it. Then he indicates “the 2nd amendment guys” (NRA?) could possibly stop it.
    How is that a threat, or a call for an assassination?
    NO! – it’s NOT. It’s a reference to the power of the NRA and how the NRA stopped her husband 20 years ago!!!!!

  4. Now if Dan had said to Don, “Now suck off my dick!” you know he would have been more than HAPPY to oblige!

    And this whole bull💩 tactic of using David “Jerk The” Gergen as the final authority because he “worked with” Republican and Democrats is about the lamest attempt to win an argument. GMAFB.

    And look at poh ol’ Jeffrey. Even HE doesn’t believe his own bull💩 coming out of gus ass. Hey TOOOOOOOOOObin. Pay for any abortions lately ya fag?

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