Now Get Hillary – IOTW Report

Now Get Hillary

Benghazi mastermind captured-

From American Military News:

The Associated Press reported Monday that Special Operations Forces have captured the unidentified militant and are transporting the militant back to the U.S.

“The officials say U.S. commandos captured the unidentified man in Libya and are transporting him back to the U.S. The officials say the mission was approved by President Donald Trump and done in coordination with Libya’s internationally recognized government,” the AP reported, adding that the officials “weren’t authorized to speak” and “demanded anonymity.”

ht/ shazzam

10 Comments on Now Get Hillary

  1. So like POTUS Trump, isn’t it? I bet he was just between tweets or meetings or maybe just chowing down a burger between times and thought to himself, “I wonder who really….”, then picked up the phone and called Gen. Mattis.

  2. Brad, I’d be surprised if Jeffy had the intestinal fortitude or the strength of character to carry his own bags, much less be able to handle the eternity of horrors that hillary will be packing.

  3. Hillary’s vagina is probably sweating WAY more than usual over this.

    Someone tweet to her the extra-absorbent chamois cloths are in aisle 7 at Costco.

  4. What do you want to bet the guy slips his restraints on the way back, opens the emergency exit door on the plane, and jumps out at 40,000 feet over the Atlantic.

    Hey, it could happen.


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