Now They’re Claiming Dr. Seuss Is Racist – IOTW Report

Now They’re Claiming Dr. Seuss Is Racist

In the never ending pursuit of all things that can be perceived as racist, a paper  published for “Research on Diversity and Youth Literature” finds that the collective works of Theodor Seuss Geisel, i.e. Dr. Seuss, are racist. More

33 Comments on Now They’re Claiming Dr. Seuss Is Racist

  1. From the article:

    —It is co-authored by Katie Ishizuka of the The Conscious Kid Library and Ramón Stephens, a PhD student in education at the University of California, San Diego. They describe themselves as “critical race scholar-activists.—

    In other words they are communists engaged in criticizing everything, the purpose being to bring about the socialist revolution.

    I hate communists.

  2. We’ve known forever that he created a ton of anti-Japanese drawings during the war. How is this new?
    Definition of a Leftist: Someone who will take the tiniest flaw in a person as use it as a reason to discount that person’s entire existence, while insisting that everything they do is morally right and that you must submit to their every wish.

  3. Let’s see, what rhymes with BULLSHIT, twit, nitwit, idjit, dimwit, tit, snit, flit, git, hit, mitt, knit, clit, sit, spit, writ, Brit, fit, pit, wit, it, etc. Help me I’m running out of it words. There are really no words to describe how dumb the left is in attacking Dr. Seuss like this. Who’s next Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Rogers, anyone who reads kid’s books to little kids or shows cartoons to little kids and bribes them with Hostess Twinkies, Bozo the Clown etc. etc. I hate the left, they are the ultimate killjoys.

  4. I’m a big University of Nevada fan (except for Colin Kaepernick, who I loathe) and wondered, when I watched them beat UNLV yesterday evening, why someone doesn’t make a stink about UNLV sports teams being represented by a confederate rebel.

  5. I grew up on Dr. Seuss, he was my main muse and taught me how to read and rhyme and made reading a ton of fun. These lefties are so obtuse in dissing Dr. Seuss, I hope they vamoose and run off like a moose or a goose or a mongoose, off to the Palouse (palloos) because we all know they’re of no good use and their screws are all loose. Vamoose, no joy juice for yoose.

  6. Horton Hears a Who ain’t about the goddamn Japs. It’s about the rights of the unborn and crazy ass society that wants to abort them.

    “A persons a person, no matter how small.”

    Oh man that makes lefty baby eaters heads explode.

  7. Here’s the bottom line: if it takes multiple beancounting Ph.D. “scholars” in “critical race theory” to “study” the body of Seuss’s work in order to conclude that there are subtle “racist” images in the children’s books, well then…

    No kid is going to get that out of them, and the books remain perfectly safe, delightful and educational.

  8. Dr. Seuss’s has been spinning in his grave emitting smoke since the early days of rap.
    Snoop and Jay Z last books read at the pinnacle of their edumacation were
    Horton eats a Lude and
    The Cat in the Hat has Tracks.

  9. You people don’t understand the woke university liberal

    For reseach papers, they go out and bash whiteness simply because they hate whites and Western culture of course, but also because every research project has to be “unique” and guess what? Everything has already been written and researched to death. There ISN’T any new ground to cover….

    …EXCEPT when they bash whites, there are 100s of years of progress to poke holes through, and delving into Dr. Seuss is uncovered territory. They want a pat on the back for breaking new ground, no matter how ridiculous it is.

    That’s the mindset of these people.

  10. This is the lesson being taught:

    “Do not rise. Do not stand up. Do not stand out. If you make the mistake of making a name for yourself, know this: We control how the world sees you today. We control how the world sees you after you are long gone, leaving your spouse, children and grandchildren with the Sisyphean task of defending your legacy against an army of progressives hell bent on wringing the last drop of dignity out of your reputation. There are two classes in this Brave New World, and if you have to ask, you are not in the right one now, nor will you ever be. Know your place. Stay in your lane. Keep your head down, and you may keep your head.”


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