NTSB Is Going to Force You to Obey Speed Laws – IOTW Report

NTSB Is Going to Force You to Obey Speed Laws

The Federalist

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is calling on “intelligent speed assistance technology” (ISA) to be mandatory “in all new cars” after a fatal accident in Nevada killed nine people.

In a press release last week, the federal agency outlined how ISA “uses a car’s GPS location compared with a database of posted speed limits and its onboard cameras to help ensure safe and legal speeds.” More

37 Comments on NTSB Is Going to Force You to Obey Speed Laws

  1. My car has a nav system that also shows posted speed limits for whatever road you’re on at the time.

    It isn’t always right.

    Also, it always shows school zone speeds regardless of time of day, so I guess you’d get rammed from behind when your car arbitrarily cuts speed for no apparent reason.

    Also, some of the country roads I travel are posted 50MPH, but they leave out the fact that you’re gonna die if you try that in your pickup.

    No amount of tech can help someone if they’re determined to be stupid.

    You can’t Nerf everything.

  2. Damn busybodies. They just can’t help themselves. They have invaded every part of citizens lives to the point of the ridiculous. People just want to be left alone. Interesting that most of the time they go after productive, contributing members of society who actually pay taxes and produce something beneficial. The illegals, deadbeats and thugs are rewarded for their poor behavior while those who strive to do right are punished with higher taxes, oppressive regulations and needless laws.

  3. Gee Wally, it woulda prevented those muzloids from going 100MPH of the Rainbow bridge!

    Well first of all Beave, they’d a found another way, or just augered in slow yelling: “ITZ THE ONE ON THE RIGHT ACHMED!!”

    Second of all, we don’t know they were muzlims yet, but chances are pretty good that they were when the mindset revolves around hate, death and destruction!

  4. I’m not familiar with the accident in the article, but I’m guessing the driver of the 103mph Challenger who was high on PCP and Cocaine was probably a repeat offender who was in and out of the Justice system. So here’s an idea; jail these assholes the first time. For the children.

  5. Make phones not work other than notifications that you have a call when a vehicle is moving.
    Accidents will plummet and people traveling together will learn to communicate in person again.

  6. I’ve got early 2000’s pickup that’s about 125,000 miles now. I was considering buying a new truck in a year or two, but maybe I’ll use that money instead to keep my current truck going as long as possible. No cameras, no GPS, and no remote connections of any kind — just the way I like it.

  7. Heatsync

    I drive a 2006 Duramax. Most my life I’ve purchased a new truck after two years. Last year before that DEFF shit. I can afford to pay cash for a new one. Which would be really fing stupid, but this one doesn’t break. And another reason I’m not buying a new one is because this one doesn’t break. My final reason for not buying a new one is because this ones doesn’t break. All new diesel trucks are shit. Trani’s or motors, take your pick.

  8. Sooooo…….
    Just like gun control, the actions of the law-breaking few (with long rap sheets) are being used to create dystopian laws to control the law-abiding majority.

  9. It’s only a matter of time before they make it illegal to operate a vehicle without a remote kill switch or speed control, or to disable those features on a vehicle that comes equipped with them.

  10. All of my shit is over 20 years old, a 50 year old, and a 60 year old.

    Put money in a jar for renewed/renewing engines and transmissions.

    I’m not anti OBDII, I am one of the few of my generation who appreciated NO OBD, ALDL, and OBDII. I work equally well with whatever paradigm… but when automobiles got heavy-handed with CAN buses everywhere it goes to shit. I have a 2002 MB C320 that has given me assloads of CAN bus problems over the years but it is still an excellent drivetrain.

    If you open the engine bay and can’t see an engine it’s probably a piece of shit. There are caveats, but they are rare.

  11. Bought a new Jeep Monday Love some of the tech absolutely hate other features.
    Thought about posting a rant about that Monday night. Good topic for reader discussion what new tech in cars are useful and which are most annoying and or useless?
    I bought my Jeep in Spartanburg SC about 200 miles from my home, it is by far the most tech heavy vehicle I have owned. Many of the features are nice but not really necessary, Heated seats dual climate control Bluetooth phone apps etc. some like the LED in mirror to indicate a vehicle in the blind spot are great.
    By far the most and aggravating stupid feature is the active lane assist.
    What over educated, egghead, Ahole who never drove a car on a long road trip thought fighting a computer for control of the steering wheel was a great Idea?
    Driving through Constuction zones on I-26 I would steer slightly left (or right) to avoid road hazards, and the computer would try to force me right into them. It was only after I got home that I was able to figure out home to turn that dam thing off.

  12. The more computer shit they put in them the worse it is. CAN faults are why many older cars go to the knacker.

    I remember with the C320 I just needed my key programmed to the ECM. I was told it would be 1700 for a new ECM, 1200 for a rear SAM, and another 1500 for a front SAM. This was all bullshit. I’m not a mechanic, but I’m a mechanic. I didn’t throw parts around.

    Anyway, I told the dealer he was a useless shite, a fucking liability, and sent the car off (at his expense) to another dealer who did the job for 112 dollars.

    I can’t program keys. I HAVE to pay for it.

    And another thing… if the guy has a heavy dipshit south of the border accent he’s probably a fucking dipshit, lying scumbag asswipe.

    Rant over.

    Be smart, do your research and know what you are doing before you deal with these fucksticks.

    And FJB.


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