Nurse stands up to Kaiser – IOTW Report

Nurse stands up to Kaiser

A nurse stands up for her freedom.

16 Comments on Nurse stands up to Kaiser

  1. Just another flaming, unhinged Right-Wing extremist…

    Or so the Left would want you to think!
    Actually this lady has put everything on the line for her freedom. She will have no job and no unemployment in return for simply standing up for long-standing American ideals. What she is doing represents a hundred more just like her, but can’t pull the trigger on such an impacting decision!

  2. What if she gets sick or injured and needs to be hospitalized? Will they even allow her into that hospital where she was fired or will they send her to the nearest County charity hospital? The shits gonna hit the fan soon and people will be revolting en masse and it ain’t gonna be pretty. The American people are fed up with all this COVID bs and soon will be fighting for their lives in order to stop all of these ungodly, unconstitutional mandates from the govt. forced upon us. God help us!

  3. geoff the aardvark
    OCTOBER 30, 2021 AT 3:30 PM
    “God help us!”

    He hasn’t so far.

    I doubt he will now.

    The world is mine.

    My Democrat minions will grind you into the dirt.

    Get used to it.

    Or not. I don’t really care.

    Not caring is kind of my “thing”. Get used to that too.

  4. God always wins, you don’t! You never have and never will, the blood that was shed by Jesus’s atonement took care of that a long time ago. So up yours Satan and all of your ungodly dupes and minions including the idiot that thinks that he is President and your evil henchman George Soros. FJB!


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