NY Times Conducts Poll – Says Carson is Ahead of Trump – IOTW Report

NY Times Conducts Poll – Says Carson is Ahead of Trump

What’s their angle?  Is Carson filling 20,000 seat arenas? What’s the manipulation going on here?


19 Comments on NY Times Conducts Poll – Says Carson is Ahead of Trump

  1. I have seen those headlines at all of the sites I have looked at today, and I just find it really, really hard to believe. Media is pushing hard for this, and I think it’s a lie. And they completely ignore Cruz. It’s like he doesn’t exist in their world.

  2. It is a TOTAL lie. They are hoping people will think everyone now wants Carson. The Australian media just pulled this shit in Australia to get the libtard in office, and now American media is trying this tactic.

  3. who the fuck believes anything the NT Slimes prints ??? The home of Blair the fabricator liar, numerous plagiarists, and an ombudsman that has blasted them as a disgrace… wipe your ass with that rag.

  4. This is a post by “johnnosk” an Australian posting at Moonbattery in this thread:


    My first though is that the news media, which is traditionally left, keep coming out with various polls that painted Tony Abbott as an ineffectual leader and that gave Turnbull the push to do his own poll among the party members.

    When he had the votes, he made his challenge.

    It should also be noted that the current government is actually made up of two parties working in coalition, The Liberal party (which traditionally supports business) and the National Party (which looks out for the interests of farmers and rural areas).

    As individual parties, they don’t have the numbers to form government but by joining together as the LNP, they can. It should also be noted that many members of the National Party supported Tony Abbott but have agreed to work with Turnbull to prevent the Labor party taking power as a Minority Government.

  5. This is exactly what we want to see. The wall street scumbags, bankers, and Washington DC lifers running fucking petrified. For the first time in many of their lives these motherfuckers would feel the effects of an “enemy” politician like the rest of us shits have been living with for way too long.

    I want these motherfuckers to have a lot of restless nights for once in their lives. Among the worst of these scumbags are the Hedgies that get away with murder. Time to pony up and maybe give up one of the 3 or 4 properties they use to escape the hell holes they created.

    Now the meme is Tromp wants to be King Donald and is mean and a bully. But a few years ago they were serious about King Odinga and no need for a President anymore. Let Odinga rule forever… fucking assholes…

    Ill take King Tromp for four years right now without a second thought. Its funny how Tromp is taking on Wall St and the Occupy assholes are silent and the anarchists and WTO assholes are nowhere to be found…

  6. Still looking for the hedgies who bought up the oil future contracts in 2008 and drove the price of gas to $4 per gallon. That was the begin ing of the recession. These slime balls will screw the whole country over to get way. We’ll need a bigger list than 100 names when the sh!t hits the fan.

  7. Anyone wanting to beat Trump will have to prove to the American voter that the existing system works and is worth salvaging. I am not sure that anyone is up to the task.

    Trumps is ahead because I the voters are really sick of the system. We’ve gotten nothing but lip service from both parties. Their propped up candidates only serve to remind us that this is what is done in third world countries. As for the MSM, well all they provide is fellatio to the parties. Enough already!

  8. I’ve said it before, many times. I will never trust a poll, no matter if I agree or disagree with its results. Polls can be manipulated and they are used to sway opinion toward whatever the “pollster” believes or wants to be true.

    Disregard all polls and follow logic and your conscience……

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