NYC Councilwoman Freaks Out Over White Man Holding Black Child: ‘It Hurts People’ – IOTW Report

NYC Councilwoman Freaks Out Over White Man Holding Black Child: ‘It Hurts People’

Federalist: Members of New York City’s Community Education Council District 2 (CEC D2) behaved like the children they are meant to represent in last week’s meeting, when discussions of a joke from a past meeting devolved into screaming, personal attacks, and slanders. 

During the council’s June meeting, the group was tackling school integration. Council member Thomas Wrocklage had brought his toddler daughter and a friend’s nephew. The nephew spent much of the meeting climbing on and off Wrocklage’s lap.

This innocent image of a man holding a child was the target of scorn by his fellow council members. Rachel Broshi told Wrocklage, “It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap and they don’t know the context. That is harmful.”

Broshi, and several other council members, argued that the image of a white man holding a black child was inherently racist. When Wrocklage asked Broshi to explain why holding a friend’s nephew was racist merely due to their differing races, Broshi refused, yelling at Wrocklage, “Read a book. Read Ibram Kendi. Read ‘White Fragility.’ Read ‘How to Talk to White People.’” MORE

SNIP: Imagine if someone like Broshi accused a white man or woman with a bi-racial child or an adopted child of a different race, of being racist.
In this day and age, where there are multi-racial families.

“It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap and they don’t know the context. That is harmful.”

Oh but we know the context, Broshi. It’s your racism.

16 Comments on NYC Councilwoman Freaks Out Over White Man Holding Black Child: ‘It Hurts People’

  1. Someone suggested to paint my computer black to show support for blacks.

    I was kicked out of the conversation when I questioned the resulting performance: “Will it make my computer run faster or will it stop working? I’m pretty sure it’ll make piracy easier.”

  2. Hurts them for a white to hold a black child.
    Doesn’t bother them when a black kills a white child.
    That’s who we’re dealing with.

    At this article: professors quoted as saying a separate black republic could be set up within the US. It’s just too bad a white guy like me wouldn’t be able to recommend this. But they can. Because they have black ass privilege.

    Yeah, let’s round them up, i mean let them have their own separate space they can live in and rule over. The crime rate in white america would go down by leaps and bounds.
    So i support their idea of blacks moving into their own country. By the way. Abraham Lincoln did, too.

  3. We have close conservative friends that adopted two African American babies and they raised them both to be educated, successful and well adjusted. They’ve been a joy to watch grow up and now get married and grow into successful adults. These people are the racists, the segregationists, the scum of the earth stoking the divide in this country. Shame on them. And maybe they should have had that concern when Hollywood libtards ran to Africa to accessorize themselves with babies that in some cases as in with Charlize Theron, raising the baby she adopted as a transgender (child abuse).

  4. “Yeah, let’s round them up, i mean let them have their own separate space they can live in and rule over.”

    I suggest California, they should be happy there and it isn’t really a part of the United States anyway.

    Add to that, California has been talking about secession for a few years now anyway.

  5. It hurts HER because it confronts her racial view of white men. But it’s possible she’s got two things going on: (1) racism against whites, and, (2) hating men.

    I know some women who hate men. They’re poison. The racism part? Someone should tell her to look up the word, “dolt.”

  6. Whitey White
    Don’t “carve out” a space within the US to move these people.
    It’s an area that will continue to export it’s problems and Marxist ideology to the more conservative parts of the US (think Kalifornication). Plus, you just KNOW the conservative US will be begged to come in and bail out/clean up the carved out area (think Seattle Chode-istan).
    Instead, offer any who want, a one way ticket and a “bounty” to move “back to the motherland, African Ghana”. Ghana has put out information to the effect they they WANT African Americans to move back “home”.
    I would impose two conditions: if you leave, you MUST renounce your US citizenship, and give up all your US related government issued ID papers & cards (driver’s license, passport, EBT, SNAP, etc). And once you leave, if for some reason you want to come back, you must wait in line like every other foreigner who wants legal entry into the US; pay fees, clean background check, paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork, etc.
    And if you’re caught in the US illegally after leaving, immediate departure. With prejudice.

  7. What about the white lesbian couple that murdered their entire adopted black family by driving off a cliff in CA. The Hart family. They were always accusing people of being racists or homophobic which they used to deflect any criticism of their ‘parental’ care of their kids. They were raised on the internet… Facebook, IG, etc., and were exploited by those women for ‘thumbs up’ and praises. ANYONE could see from those photos posted the horrible condition those kids were in. They were starved and they all had growth issues. When the boom was finally being lowered on these two women… they drugged the kids and drove off a cliff. The story is one of complete political liberal utopia BS, at the expense of troubled children, and the children lost.

  8. The Klan with a Tan is completely out of control. My fucking company, a major defense contractor is going to implement mandatory “racial awareness” training, and it is all BLM and 1619 horseshit and anti-white blood libel, all of it. I forwarded it to my Senator Ted Cruz in hopes something can be done about it.

  9. “It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap and they don’t know the context. That is harmful.”


    use him as foot stool


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