Obama A “Parasite” On The Democrat Party – IOTW Report

Obama A “Parasite” On The Democrat Party

Fox News

New book claims Obama was a ‘parasite’ who sucked the Democratic Party dry to get reelected.
A “parasite” on the Democratic Party is how journalist Edward Isaac Dovere describes former President Obama in his forthcoming tell-all book “Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaign to Defeat Trump.” More

I prefer to think of him as a Marxist zombie who infected the left with grievance politics that is poisoning the nation. Either way, he’s been a horror show.- Dr. Tar

22 Comments on Obama A “Parasite” On The Democrat Party

  1. It’s truly unbelievable that this vacuous asshole was our president…for two terms.

    It’s scary, really, how dumb our American society has become…worse yet, how perverted.

    We are past fooked, I shit you not.


  2. Democrats were globalist commie/fascists long before Roosevelt. And then you have your Republicans pissing down our backs telling us it ain’t raining.

    They appear to be more devout than eva.

  3. All I ever needed to see with this scum sucking piece of shit was him parading his smiley, skinny ass in front of a mirror, dancing to himself, taking selfies. UNFUCKINGREAL

    The leader of the free world?? The Romans would have eaten this scumbag for lunch.

    If there is a God in heaven…I will get a chance to tell him that face to face.

  4. If only that fraudulent, fabrication damaged the democrat party more than he did our country. The scumbag is responsible for the racial hatred and attacks on Jewish people by street animals he incited – not to mention the terrorist Iranaians he funded.

  5. For the record..my comment to Dr J was in response to an ugly anti-Trump comment which was subsequently modified to be anti-Biden. I WOULD NEVER HAVE A POSITIVE COMNENT TO SAY ABOUT BIDEN, for the record.

    Goodnight all.

  6. Obama was never anything but a punk, third rate street con artist who was given a bath and a new suit.
    What was unique and made him stand out was that he traveled with a great ape.

  7. “obama was a ‘parasite’ who sucked the democrat Party dry”

    once a gain the false dichotomy of the “two party system” and those who think the faces of the party are the ones in control.

    obama did what he was told to do or better yet just shut his mouth as instructed and let those who are in charge do what they wanted to do

    as the peons become aware of the reality of his reign’s actual history it will not surprise me to see more dissatisfaction of “his” policies come to light.


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