Obama Admin Announces Obamacare Premiums Will Increase by Double Digits Next Year – IOTW Report

Obama Admin Announces Obamacare Premiums Will Increase by Double Digits Next Year

WFB:  Premiums will increase significantly next year by double-digit percentages under the Affordable Care Act, and many consumers will be left with only one insurer option, the Obama administration said Monday.

The news comes two weeks before the presidential election and could bring President Obama’s signature health care law back into the spotlight on the campaign trail.

The Department of Health and Human Services came out with a new report detailing the rising costs that will hit Obamacare customers next year, the Associated Press reported.

Before taxpayer-provided subsidies, premiums for a midlevel benchmark plan will increase an average of 25 percent across the 39 states served by the federally run online market, according to a report from the Department of Health and Human Services. Some states will see much bigger jumps, others less.

After key health insurers like Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield, Humana, and UnitedHealthcare, some of the nation’s biggest, announced exits from the Obamacare exchanges, one in five customers will only have plans from a single insurer to choose from.


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17 Comments on Obama Admin Announces Obamacare Premiums Will Increase by Double Digits Next Year

  1. When ObamaCare was being “debated,” there were two sources of information: Democrat politicians who insisted it was the greatest thing since sliced bread and intelligent people who insisted ObamaCare had the potential to be a disaster. Why anyone would listen to a politician for facts is beyond me, and the fact that it took so long for Congress to pass this abomination when both houses were controlled by Democrats should have been a tip off.

    ObamaCare was likely passed on the assumption that it would probably be unworkable, and then Congress could enact single payer as a fix. However, the demonstrated disaster of ObamaCare should give people pause in a single payer plan; instead of fucking up a large segment of our health care system, the Federal government can now fuck it all up.

  2. People like me have been screaming since this was being debated that this is nothing more and the Democrats trying to collapse the healthcare system so that they can bring in single-payer tax payer funded, European socialist, VA style healthcare.

    We were all called conspiracy kooks. 🖕🏻

  3. In the real world, every democratic politician that backed this abomination should lose their seats when up for election. But since we live in Bizarro world now, the sheep will keep voting to stay poor.

  4. Unfortunately this election is not about the economy or the Obama regulations that have destroyed jobs and limited full time work. It should be and I think it would have been worthwhile to have Trump explain why cutting taxes revives an economy. Frankly the entire Republican party has failed miserably at getting any alternative message or plan out there. And now you have voters under 35 that think capitalism doesn’t work. Recipe for an HRC disaster.

  5. I love how they spin it to say that PintoCare only has increased 25% on average.

    Yeah – but the yearly net increases are going exponential. Just think, a shitty product that only increases 25% per year? How fun.

    Increase the value of your bank account of $1 every day by 25% for one 31 day month.

    Do the math.

    Then, when you’re done, consider that amount of money as your premium, and then magically come up with the PintoCare deductible of $12,000 before you can withdraw your money from your bank account.

    Sucks balls, right? Being broke won’t matter, though because YOU’LL BE DEAD.

    Welcome to Obama’s / Hillary’s America. If you like your life, you can keep your life.

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