Obama and the Democrats’ War on Black America – IOTW Report

Obama and the Democrats’ War on Black America

Independent Sentinel: It may appear to Black Americans that Barack Obama is in their corner, but it’s a cunning deception. His presidency has had a truly malevolent effect on the Black community—by design.

obama hope progress change bs

The sole evidence that the White House has any interest whatever in Black America has been an unending stream of rhetoric alleging racism by police against Blacks. Such a campaign can only spawn more resistance to police in encounters between Blacks and cops. And since crime is far more prevalent in Black neighborhoods, those encounters are inevitable.

An ancillary Obama campaign makes constant reference to Jim Crow seeping out of every crevice in our society. In an interview with comedian Marc Maron, he actually driveled this out, after admitting that “race relations have improved significantly during my lifetime.”:

“The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, that casts a long shadow and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on.” He’s made numerous other statements in that vein.

Let’s face it: that’s like having Al Sharpton for a president. Except Obama can read a teleprompter better.

The results of the president’s efforts is division of the races to a degree unseen since the 1960s. Certainly, it’s difficult to see how Blacks have benefitted from any of this.  more here


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