Obama Blames Intel For Not Warning Him About ISIS Rise, After He Ignored It – IOTW Report

Obama Blames Intel For Not Warning Him About ISIS Rise, After He Ignored It

DC: President Barack Obama recently laid blame on the intelligence community for failing to anticipate and properly inform him of the impending 2014 sweep of ISIS across Iraq, in a Wednesday interview with CNN.

“The ability of ISIL to not just mass inside of Syria, but then to initiate major land offensives that took Mosul, for example, that was not on my intelligence radar screen,” Obama told CNN. Intelligence officials dispute Obama’s claim, saying he ignored the warning signs in favor of his narrative that he successfully withdrew the U.S. from the Iraq war.

When Obama took office in 2009, he was determined to pull troops out of Iraq as soon as possible. Obama believed the historic lows of violence in Iraq justified his campaign pledge to bring the war to an end, without keeping a significant U.S. presence in Iraq to ensure stability.

Obama decided did not successfully negotiate a limited military presence beyond an agreed upon 2011 withdrawal date. “After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over,” he triumphantly declared in October 2011. Obama ignored rumbling political turmoil in Iraq, and easily cruised to an election victory in 2012.

The Defense Intelligence Agency produced a report as early as 2012 warning the Obama administration that the Syrian civil war was allowing al-Qaida to flourish. Al-Qaida could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria,” the report declared. Al-Qaida elements in Iraq and Syria later splintered from the global terrorist organization, and declared themselves the Islamic State.

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President-elect Trump’s pick for National Security Advisor and then DIA chief, told The New York Times in 2015.   more

21 Comments on Obama Blames Intel For Not Warning Him About ISIS Rise, After He Ignored It

  1. Why does Obama always ALWAYS say ISIL while everyone else says ISIS and nobody calls him on it?? Research the full meaning of the acronym ISIL and you will see why he insists on using it rather than the more common ISIS. Proof positive that he is at heart a Muslim? Could be…

  2. @venturaguy

    More like Obama only believes intel agencies have been fed by Jarret the Jackal and Slimy Barry.

    All ‘intelligence’ briefings were scorned by the self-proclaimed ‘most intelligent’ faux president.

  3. He is and has always been too weak to take the blame for any of his boneheaded decisions. It takes strength of character to admit you were wrong, and that’s something he is sorely lacking.

  4. this Filthy Mohammedan Savage is such a fucking liar. As my Brit friend says, “the bloody poofter is a cunt!”

    It is a FACT that this Filthy Mohammedan Savage routinely blew off his intelligence briefings. He wouldn’t even read the one-page summaries cuz they made his poor widdle bwain go owie. His attendance at briefings averaged maybe one a month during his entire time in office.

    WORST. PRESIDENT. EVER. Seriously, he’s even worse than Frank Roosevelt. Even Frank didn’t DOUBLE our fucking natl debt while he was in office for FOUR terms, versus this little shit’s two terms.

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