Obama Choomin’ Again- Says We Live in Most Peaceful Era in Human History – IOTW Report

Obama Choomin’ Again- Says We Live in Most Peaceful Era in Human History

CNS News  President Barack Obama, speaking in Germany on Monday, said we’re fortunate to be living in the “most peaceful” era in human history.

“I want to begin with an observation that, given the challenges that we face in the world and the headlines we see every day, may seem improbable but it’s true. We are fortunate to be living in the most peaceful, most prosperous, most progressive era in human history,” he said.

“That may surprise young people who are watching TV or looking at your phones,” he said, “and it seems like only bad news comes through every day, but consider it’s been decades since the last war between major powers.”


16 Comments on Obama Choomin’ Again- Says We Live in Most Peaceful Era in Human History

  1. What scares me most about 0bama and his chupacabra wifey is that after they’re gone they won’t really be gone.
    Bastards are gonna continue to find a way to continue to screw up the world.
    The earth is too big to be affected by the myth of global warming, but it has been brought to the brink of destruction by one halfrican.

  2. “… most progressive era in human history …”

    Since “progressive” means “socialist” he is correct.

    This is the closest they have come to World Domination – to “fundamentally transforming” our world into a veritable Hell on Earth.

    If we refuse to shake off our inane, drugged slumber, we are surely doomed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. didn’t he just order “more boots on the ground” in Syria?

    what were they sent for, to combat global warming?

    if this isn’t the story of “the emperor has no clothes”, I don’t know what would be.

  4. Here’s the problem: “it’s been decades since the last war between major powers” is apparently HIS definition of what a real war is. Meanwhile, it’s been minutes since an Islamic terrorist blew something up or cut someone’s head off. Their victims probably disagree with Obama’s assessment.

  5. I suspect his ears prevent him from pulling his head out of his ass.

    “We Live in Most Peaceful Era ” if obama had to live under the suicidal rules of engagement in a war zone knowing that your commander in chief was releasing the top echelon of your enemy against you, he would beg to differ.

    Traitorous POS.

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