Obama Has To Take The Back Stairway Into China – IOTW Report

Obama Has To Take The Back Stairway Into China

In a symbolic gesture noticed the world over, the Chinese did not roll out the traditional red carpet greeting for Obama when he landed in Hangzhou for the G20 meeting yesterday.  The outgoing president had to instead use a utility stairway from Air Force One in order to make his arrival.  All the other foreign leaders received the proper protocol at the airport.


Obama apparently is willing to take the snub because he’s so focused on getting China and The United States to “ratify” the Paris Climate Change Agreement.   And here I thought it was the role of  the Senate to “ratify” treaties.

20 Comments on Obama Has To Take The Back Stairway Into China

  1. I remember when the Dalai Lama was made to walk out a side door past piles of garbage bags at the White House so as to not “offend” the Chinese.

    Guess Karma’s a bitch Obama. The whole world laughing at your incompetence, but still too stupid to know he has been made disrespected on the highest level.

  2. I’m pretty sure Hillary uses the Chinese mafia to do her dirty work. Those Chinks are efficient when it comes to killing. Looks like they did a pretty good job of killing 0bama’s buzz too. lol

  3. Looks like he is reaping what he has sown. No one, worldwide, has any respect for him whatsoever. I doubt that President Trump will receive any such disrespect nor will he tolerate it either.

    But, being an internationally known pussy, Obama just accepts it.

  4. He got better treatment than he deserves. How fun it would have been to see him using emergency slide exit, complete with foam. Ahh fantasy. Maybe a rope ladder would have been fun.

  5. Would of been nice if we could of seen his reaction, – stomps feet, lights up cigarette then demand action.
    ” Mr. pResident you have to use the servants entrance.” No red carpet for you.

  6. The LRE’s (Little Rice Eaters) remember Moose’s Advance Team that required larger toilets, better food for Malaria and Satchmo, and accommodations for Mrs. Robinson. One can’t expect good treatment even from relatives if you send the whole famdamnily first before you arrive.

  7. Outside of the US and the obsequious buttkissing sycophant media, every country in the world knows that obama is an arrogant, affirmative action promotee lightweight moron. He is a laughingstock. he runs around the world — on his fossil-fuel burning private jet–and tells other nations they need to stop burning fossil fuel because otherwise the world will come to an end. He thinks Austrians speak Austrian. He went off to Europe to make a pitch to get the Olympics to Chicago — he went home with his tail between his legs. He has ZERO international diplomatic victories under his belt b/c he is a complete amateur and completely out of his depth on the international diplomatic stage. The same can be said for every person on his staff. The entire world is not CNN and they know a turd when they see one. Cannot wait for this petulant unaccomplished loser to be gone, and to have a real leader in President Trump.

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