Obama post-White House house: The details on the $6.35 million mansion – IOTW Report

Obama post-White House house: The details on the $6.35 million mansion

WT: By now you’ve probably heard that Barack and Michelle Obama plan to relocate from the White House to a home in the upper-upper scale Sheridan-Kalorama neighborhood in northwest Washington.

Like many Baby Boomers, they are downsizing — from the 55,000-square-foot White House to a home of 8,000 square feet. Its interior is contemporary, and exterior inviting.

The Obamas own a home in Chicago, so word about town is that they will be leasing the Kalorama home until both first daughters are finished with high school and in college.

Kate Bennett of Independent Journal Review unloads lots of details on the nine-bedroom, eight-bathroom house:


27 Comments on Obama post-White House house: The details on the $6.35 million mansion

  1. I hope the home’s owners have SERVPRO on speed-dial.
    Don’t forget that entourage includes the bloody-chicken-sacrificing Saturnalia Voodoo-Mother-in-Law.

    SERVPRO will need two weeks to clean and restore the White House.

  2. Nice house, but Bathhouse Barry will be spending most of his time at his private Office/ManCondo in Georgetown, and no helicopter, so I guess it’s all motorcades to Andrews for golf now. Like clockwork. Very predictable. Same route. Every day. For better or worse. Preferably worse.

  3. TO ThirdTwin

    WRONG. Do a GoogleMap of Belmont Street and Washington, DC.

    “The Islamic Center” (read: MOSQUE)
    and a brisk walk-i-poo to the
    Homo Mecca of Dupont Circle.

  4. The rest of my previous thought: Looks like he’ll be surrounded by loafers and ‘grass’, doing nothing, as usual. But, hopefully politically neutered

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