Obama Renders Inspector Generals Teethless – IOTW Report

Obama Renders Inspector Generals Teethless

In a demonstration of his continuing policy of “punish our enemies and reward our friends,” the Obama Administration has announced that from now on all inspector generals in the federal government must have approval from their agency head before initiating an investigation.

Of course all agencies are headed by political appointees, so don’t expect any agency to ever again have an honest watchdog with the power to fight waste, fraud and abuse.


The directive follows the call by two IGs to the justice department to conduct a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails while Secretary of State.

8 Comments on Obama Renders Inspector Generals Teethless

  1. In the South we sez toofless…we usually only have one and no more than 3 toof’s. Sometimes I use Chiclets as toof’s (white, yellow or green work). African Queen obama sucks at everything in this life and the next.

  2. They are created by Congress and what they are allowed to do and not do is defined by Congress. It’s up to the Executive branch to apply and interpret congress’s intent.

    You can imagine how this Executive branch enforces Congress’s laws – to their own liking. The only recourse is to constantly hold them up for criticism and ridicule so that voters think long and hard before putting such a corrupt bunch of criminals in high office ever again.

    Perhaps we need an new Constitutional amendment letting Congress fire Executive branch employees who violate the law or don’t enforce Congresses will.

  3. Congress has the “power of the purse” and if it weren’t infested by cowards and thieving opportunists, would be defunding this crap – IRS, EPA, DOJ, DOE, HHS, &c. – until they got their Agencies in order.

  4. None of this matters as long as
    Trump is stopped. Soon a “Get
    Donald” IG will be appointed and
    the balance in the Universe will be
    returned to the leftist center. Sigh.

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