Obama Tells Brits Why He Removed Churchill – IOTW Report

Obama Tells Brits Why He Removed Churchill

Weak. Very weak.

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The president responded by reassuring the world that the bust remained safe and sound, the first time he has publicly addressed the non-issue that’s dogged him through two terms in office.

“My private office is called the Treaty Room. And right outside the door of the Treaty Room, so that I see it every day, including on weekends when I’m going into that office to watch a basketball game, I see a bust of Winston Churchill,” the president said.

Obama acknowledged President George W. Bush kept the bust of Churchill in the Oval Office, but said he decided to redecorate.

“I thought it was appropriate and I suspect most people here in the United Kingdom might agree that as the first African-American president, it might be appropriate to have a bust of Dr. Martin Luther King in my office,” Obama said, noting that there are “only so many tables where you can put busts, otherwise it starts looking a little cluttered.”



Obama called Churchill “clutter.”

Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to look at a bust of MLK before a basketball game?


18 Comments on Obama Tells Brits Why He Removed Churchill

  1. I guess a bust of narcissistic, leftist commie who was a complete fraud is appropriate, considering the narcissistic, leftist commie fraud who currently occupies the White House.

  2. “… when I’m going into that office to watch a basketball game …”

    or to play “hide the sausage” with Reggie …

    Pretty much sums up the dignity and gravity with which Obola holds the Office of the Presidency …

    He has nothing but contempt for the people who were stupid enough to vote for him, and the country that allowed this travesty to stand.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So, the story changes again? As I recall, there were 2 Churchill bust in the White House when Bush lived there. One given to the USA by the Brits was kept in the oval office, and the other in the treaty room. Obama returned the British bust to the British Ambassador (by mail) and the ambassador put the bust in his D.C residence.

    Just another lie from Obama.

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