Press Secretary Josh Earnest also said that the White House won’t criticize the FBI or Director Comey.

Regated: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest tells the press that President Obama stands with Director Comey.

President Obama made it clear today that he doesn’t stand with Hillary Clinton as much as we thought he did. President Obama made it clear he stands with FBI Director James Comey and his recent actions. Press Sec said that Director Comey’s actions have not changed Obama’s opinion on him or the FBI.

White House: “President Obama does not believe FBI Director Comey is trying to influence election outcome.”



  1. What else can Obama say? It is his administration – if he believed that Comey was trying to influence the election it would be his job to do something about it. The political fallout of firing him this close to the election would outweigh the benefits

  2. O’Baja is trying to remove his head from that Clintstone.
    He knows sumpin’, Comey knows sumpin’, Loretta knows sumpin’.
    Hillary is in Egypt, floating on de Nile.
    Time to decorate some lamp posts.

  3. Obama- The first and the worst, for ever and ever-Amen.
    Let’s hope the country doesn’t make the same mistake and elect Clinton, tainting the chances for a future qualified woman to become President.

  4. Spoken like a true democRAT. He threw her under before, as did all the libs. So easy for them, because the Clintons are so hated. I bet those White House prayer rugs are getting the heavy workout that the Obama government shredders are getting.

    FULL STEAM AHEAD on destruction of evidence, private servers, threats, & etc. , especially if there is a chance the witch is going down.

  5. Obola knows that he’s in the shit neck-deep.

    Sacrificing Clinton is a small price to pay to stay out of the hangman’s noose.

    He’s stolen $Millions, his cronies have stolen $Billions, and he has damaged the United States, possibly, beyond repair. He has nuclearized Iran, possibly with their “promise” not to attack Israel until after his debacle, he has armed ISIS and fomented revolution in Syria, Egypt, and Libya – empowering both ISIS and the moslem brotherhood, and hopefully (from his point of view) raising a jihadi Caliphate. He has also emboldened Russia and China to undertake foreign adventures in association with trade deals that cripple American manufacturing, conceivably, for the next few decades. On top of that, he has unashamedly prodded the negroes and retarded white “millennials” to riot on behalf of thugs killed in the commission of felonies. He has destroyed our health insurance industry, of which Trump brays about wanting to “repeal and replace,” not seeming to understand that a Federal “system” isn’t required.

    So, yeah, he’ll blow smoke up America’s ass, again.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Tim – My thinking exactly. He doesn’t want Trump to unleash his AG and dig through everything. Sacrifice Clinton now and maybe Trump doesn’t go back down that neck of the woods again and dig up his dirty deeds. Let her and Bill go to jail and have Trump go about his agenda.

    But I have no doubts Obama and Michelle have their overseas refuge to flee too in the event the bloodhounds start closing in.

  7. The wife just made a great point about this. Hilary was only a vehicle, it was Huma the jihadi loving dems wanted at the seat of power, and now she may be unsalvagable. So why not throw Hilary under the bus to get a better plea deal for himself?

  8. @Tim: Trump knows exactly that a federal system is not needed. When he says “replace” obamacare, he’s “braying” about letting the free market do what the free market does, namely create competition for consumer dollars and thus both reduce cost and increase quality. There is also at issue the heavy hand of insurance companies who are guaranteed userous profits when only one or two operate within a state or county locale. This is happening in PA, for example, but is also the case across the nation. This situation exists because insurance companies have been writing the legislation that protects their markets and eliminates competition. This will be eliminated under Trump’s “replacement” health care plan. In other words the “plan”, the “replacement” is only regulated by the feds to the extent any commerce is constitutionally regulated by the feds.

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