Obama Using Olympics To Troll Nation – IOTW Report

Obama Using Olympics To Troll Nation

It’s been 48 years since Tommie Smith and John Carlos gave the black power salute on the awards podium of the 1968 Olympics.  They’ve remained controversial ever since, so the Obama Administration decided this was the perfect time to have them both come to the WH and participate when current Olympians meet the President.


The two of them were suspended in 1968 for their little political stunt, now the U.S. Olympic Committee wants to make them “ambassadors.”




13 Comments on Obama Using Olympics To Troll Nation

  1. I thought obola was all about “evolving” on issues.
    So how come after 8 years of free extravagant family vacations, unlimited and frequent rounds of golf, loads and loads of international face time to preen, trillions of dollars of OPM to blow like a fool and a free pass on all his ineptness and incompetence, how come he still hates the US so much? What a narcissistic, obnoxious, emasculated little ingrate!

  2. I had thought the Olympic teams were pretty well desegregated and inclusion was based on merit / performance.

    Have I been wrong to think that we haven’t been sending our best athletes regardless of race, color or creed to the compete for medals all these years?

    If selection to represent the country IS based on achievement only, then why does the Olympic committee need these two as “ambassadors?” (in a racially charged political climate that’s pretty much a rhetorical question).

    Why not Bruce Jenner if they want inclusion by using an Olympic champion from the past?

  3. I remember how I felt about seeing those pigs act like that in Mexico City. And today its much the same. They wonder why people don’t want to associate with them and they are bitter, carping ingrates. Gee, ya think maybe the problem may not be white people?

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