Obama’s Hawaiian vacation tells a story in reverse – IOTW Report

Obama’s Hawaiian vacation tells a story in reverse

Canada Free Press

There’s a faint sound of quacking coming from the legendary Hawaiian surf.  It comes from the culture-war victory that tailed Obama all the way to Kailua when caving to public sentiment,  A&E brought Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson back to cable television.

Photos of Phil Robertson outdid Obama vacation ones.

According to AP only about two dozen people crowded in a roped-off area outside a nearby pizzeria,  in a tiny strip mall near the beach when Obama went with his two daughters to a local Kailua shop for shaved ice on Tuesday.

“I hope you guys have a great 2014,” Obama told the crowd.  As he left, he flashed a shaka gesture.” (Drudge Report, Jan. 1, 2014).

Two dozen people constitutes a crowd to AP.

The photo of Obama flashing the shaka gesture replaces the photo of Barack and Michelle looking gloomy as they watched Michelle’s brother Craig Robinson’s team, the Oregon State Beavers lose 83-71 to the happy-faced Acron Zips Basketball Team.

“The president ordered cherry and lemon-lime favors for his dessert, and then shook hands with some of the two dozen”  in the AP-described “crowd”.

The dwindling crowds and pictures from Obama vacations tell a story in reverse.  The mainstream media must be finally catching on to the “I-don’t-care-how-many-times-Obama-golfs-or-snorkels-on-vacation citizen sentiment.  We’ve come full circle from the Obama-inspired “I-don’t-care-about-America” to the “I-don’t-care-about-the-Obamas stance of the proletariat.



6 Comments on Obama’s Hawaiian vacation tells a story in reverse

  1. I think from now on a great way to heckle Democrat & RINO politicians at public events is to loudly blow on a duck call.


    You heard it here first.

  2. Lippy Espenza fucked up the Longshoresmen Happy Hour signal and called it “Shaka” When his used car ads came on we threw empty beers cans at the TV.

    What an asshole. Espenza too…

  3. When King Pooftah first arrived, more leftards (at what I believe to be the first-ever protest in the entire state of Hawaii) showed up to protest Obama than any other ‘bama event since he’s been there.

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