Obama’s Intelligence Scandal – IOTW Report

Obama’s Intelligence Scandal

We all know Obama’s an idiot, that’s not the intelligence at issue here. Instead, its the appearance of a systematic attempt to manipulate threat assessments to conform with the wishful thinking at the White House about the true status of ISIS and Al Qaeda.


If the intelligence don’t fit, cook it down to s****.

Stephen Hayes summarizes the cooking of intelligence reports and adds a new wrinkle by exposing the White House’s insistence on limiting access and use of the raw intelligence gathered from Bin Laden’s compound.




11 Comments on Obama’s Intelligence Scandal

  1. Why is Obama doing this? There can be no doubt he is a muslim and undermining the security of the United States. Seems to me this falls under the heading TREASON. Too damn bad the whole fucking congress falls under the same heading. 😡

  2. Obama is not an idiot.
    He knows what he is doing.
    He is making the White to Dark skin ratio in this country favor dark skin.
    Congress is letting him.
    The man is a genius.
    I never saw this coming.
    White people the minority in their own country
    Think again.

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