Obama’s lapdogs don’t like him being scrutinized in new Hezbollah scandal – IOTW Report

Obama’s lapdogs don’t like him being scrutinized in new Hezbollah scandal

Daily Caller: Obama Officials Manufactured Media Narrative Ahead Of Investigations Into Hezbollah Scandal.

The former Obama officials who manufactured a media “echo chamber” to sell the Iran deal are now working to undermine a bombshell report that revealed how former President Barack Obama’s administration derailed its own Drug Enforcement Agency’s efforts to stop Islamist terrorist group Hezbollah from developing a global narcotics syndicate.

The Obama administration gave Hezbollah a pass, according to a bombshell Politico piece, in order to protect the Iran deal — one of the few remaining pillars of Barack Obama’s legacy.

Two Republicans on the House oversight committee, Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis and Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan announced a congressional investigation into the scandal on Thursday, calling on the Department of Justice to release all documents on the subject.

Former Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes has spearheaded an effort to discredit the Politico report, attacking it as a made up right-wing conspiracy, even though Politico is a left-leaning news organization.

Other Obama officials, including former National Security Council officials Tommy Vietor and Ned Price, have mobilized to spin an exculpatory media narrative ahead of coming investigations into the scandal.

Organizations funded by the Ploughshares Fund, a left-wing donor group that helped the Obama administration manufacture positive Iran deal coverage, have pushed that same narrative smearing the Politico story. And Politico responds

12 Comments on Obama’s lapdogs don’t like him being scrutinized in new Hezbollah scandal

  1. Ben Rhodes needs a Special Prosecutor on his ass, pronto. Here he is, with no real policy or forgeign government experience whatsoever, being tapped to be as the Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications for U.S. President Barack Obama and as an Advisor on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran. Oh, gee, he studied English and Poli-Sci at Rice and has a Masters in creative writing. Let’s put him in charge of Middle East policy. Thanks for that Cairo speech buddy.
    The House Intelligence Committee needs to grill his ass about his unmasking of Trump team members.

  2. Remember Tommy Vietor? He’s the mature van driver who became the spokesman for the National Security Council under Obama who responded to a question about Benghazi with the statement, ” Dude, this is like two years ago.” We can only hope that his stupid fingers are all over this latest outrage.

  3. Well, maybe Trump and Sessions fooled us by Sessions seeming inaction and Trump staying away from him. Now Sessions seems to be starting to clean out the rats nest and since Trump has stayed away nobody can accuse him (of course they will) of political interference. You have to wonder whether Sessions and the honest members of the DOJ and FBI have already got a lot of the goods on Obama and the rest of his gang on this one. The only thing I would say is to make sure the cuffs start going on starting in the early new year with concrete evidence (being leaked as needed when the MSM starts to protect Obama et al) so the effect on the November elections is devastating for the Democrats and a final warning to the RINO’s.

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