Obscene or Not? You Be The Judge – IOTW Report

Obscene or Not? You Be The Judge

A Nashville man was pulled over last month and ordered to remove the above image from the his bumper.  The obvious parody of the stick figure family emblems you see on vehicles the gentle claims the image does not meet the Tennessee standard for obscenity and has refused to comply with the order.  He has instead filed a lawsuit to protect his 1st Amendment rights and over turn the Tennessee law.


30 Comments on Obscene or Not? You Be The Judge

  1. Cops today have no imagination.
    I would have taken the guy out to where the offending sticker was applied, and start swinging my night stick at an imaginary bee.
    Bust out a taillight or two, dent up the back hood and maybe break some glass. Then write him a fix-it ticket and make him clean up the glass before he leaves.

  2. Poor taste does not necessarily equate to obscenity. If they make this stick (no pun intended), what will they go after next, “Fat Chicks Can’t Jump” on jacked-up trucks? Trump 2020?

    Keep that leftist camel outta the damn tent!!

  3. Put a Moslem trash bag on her head or make her a goat and all is fine.

    Sophomoric and not obscene. Like the guy in Akron who sued to keep his 2busy2P license plate.

  4. Oil Field Trash,
    I see your side of the argument as well. On the flip side of the coin, is this jack ass going to post pictures of his wife’s hooter on the back of his truck? I dunno. The problem seems to be as a society we’ve lost all and any type of self restraint. My kids are all grown, but thinking back when they were young I would have been pissed if one of my young children asked “Daddy, why is that one stick figure boning the other one from behind?”

  5. They should be glad that man was willing to marry a triple amputee and procreate with her. Poor girl only has her left arm (or maybe the right, hard to tell) to support herself while they create their new family.

    What a guy!

  6. Vietvet MARCH 5, 2017 AT 11:40 PM
    They should be glad that man was willing to marry a triple amputee and procreate with her. Poor girl only has her left arm (or maybe the right, hard to tell) to support herself while they create their new family.

    What a guy!

    VV, It was his sister 🙂

  7. @Perspective: OMG, I was totally mistaken! If that’s his sister, she’s obviously on her hands and knees, giving birth to his nephew, who is just emerging from her body and smiling at the prospect of beginning a new life.

    That is what you meant, right?



  8. Davy & flip – lighten up guys. I was just pokin’ a little good natured fun at my neighbors to the west. I was born and raised in small town GA and my accent makes Joe Dan Gorman sound like a yankee. So, no need to get your knickers in a twist about a little humor from a proud redneck.

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