Off the Radar, Obamacare Festers Away – IOTW Report

Off the Radar, Obamacare Festers Away


Thanks to rockets rising over Gaza, jet debris falling onto Ukraine, and children wading across the Rio Grande, Americans barely have had time to focus on Obamacare. Mounting global and domestic chaos, however, cannot mask forever the deep and severe flaws in Obama’s pet program. From insurance cancellations to premium increases to gross ineptness, Obamacare likely will roar back into the news, just in time to stymie Democrats at the midterm election.

Just the other day, I opened an envelope from Easy Choice Health Insurance. “IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING YOUR POLICY,” the letter trumpeted.

“We are writing to let you know that your health insurance coverage through Easy Choice Health Plan of New York (‘Easy Choice’) will be terminated no later than December 31, 2014,” it stated. Moreover, “Easy Choice will no longer be offering your policy or participating in New York’s commercial health insurance market.”

(To see this letter, click here.)

So, no more health insurance for me, and no more Empire State for my health insurer. To underscore that point, the July 1 letter added: “Easy Choice will no longer be issuing any commercial health insurance policies in the association group, employer, or individual markets in New York State.” Among the reasons that its clients are losing coverage, Easy Choice cited “changes in federal law set forth in the federal Affordable Care Act” — a.k.a Obamacare.

While my insurance agent secured me a grandfathered-in pre-Obamacare plan after my coverage was canceled last year, “grandpa” will expire by year’s end. What happens now is anyone’s guess.

A CIGNA client in northern California sent me his cancellation letter. It says that the company “has decided to withdraw from the California individual medical insurance market. This decision was made after the California Department of Insurance decided not to allow health plans to continue existing plans which do not include all of the Affordable Care Act requirements, beyond December 31, 2014.”




8 Comments on Off the Radar, Obamacare Festers Away

  1. I had a New York State bridge plan. It was cancelled. Signed up for the federal plan, sent a check and waited. Despite several letters to the federal plan, they sent a refund back after about three months. So I am in the limbo of no insurance and not sure what to do, besides not get ill.

  2. @Tedison Moran – You may hit on a great idea. There needs to be a form insurance policy for self-insured that spells out all the requirements of ACA, issued by you, for you. When the IRS wants proof of insurance, send them a copy of your ‘policy’. Won’t make any difference to you what the co-pays are, eventually you’re paying all of it anyway.

  3. if the country were a body, 0bama would be stabbing it in a different place about once an hour.

    So you forget about the oozing wound you JUST had.

    From wound to wound, from scandal to scandal, from quagmire to quagmire, from incompetence to incompetence.

    What’s blowing up today so we can quit talking about the smoking crater from yesterday?

  4. Y’all need to do a search on the Christian-based insurance companies that are helping people caught in the ObolaCare mess. They’re getting great reviews.

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