Ohhhh Canada . . . – IOTW Report

Ohhhh Canada . . .

Act For Canada:

Today we mark the 152nd anniversary of Confederation; and our straight-laced quiet little country has never been so . . . Well, one might think Sir John Eh, and the rest of the gang might be tempted to rise from their troubled graves and sign Canada back over to Britain. However, they would probably no longer recognize Britain either.

Oh, don’t think this is on account of Victorian gentlemen of the 1860s being a bunch of racist, imperialist swine . . . If you look that closely, they really weren’t. They were liberals, mostly, back when being liberal meant having a belief in the rule of law, a common national defense, laws that protected people from wrongs by other citizens, and a government that was intended to protect individual rights and concentrated on infrastructure. Things have gone seriously adrift.

There is the case of ‘Nada’ who got to Canada as a refugee after escaping from sexual slavery at the brutal hands of ISIS. Recently, on a bus in London, Ontario, she spotted the slave-dealer who sold her and her children in Iraq and ran to the refugee center to report that an ISIS member was loose in Canada. Now, in 1867, the manhunt would have been immediate and the trial might conclude with somebody sending for the hangman. Today, “Oh no dear, you’re overwrought, keep your mouth shut about this.” None of the Fathers of Confederation would have tolerated a civil servant behaving like this! more here

12 Comments on Ohhhh Canada . . .

  1. Lol Aaron. You leave America’s Hat alone!
    No, seriously- We have a lot of Canadian readers and lurkers. They need to blow off some steam here. Anything we can do to get the word out, and get that lil Bastard Trudeau tossed out on his ass, the better it is for them AND us.

    Speaking of exposed asses. What’s up with his wheure mom, Margaret?
    Seems every liberal male has had a skank for a mother.
    Remember BJ Clinton and 0bamaMama? Yeesh!

  2. Aaron Burr, I am an expat living in Canada. I try to keep up with American politics and news, so I appreciate stories about Canada to keep me up to date with the politics here. I can’t vote in the Canadian elections, and I try never to bad mouth my adopted country.

    However, I can rant about my problems here. Whew, Trudeau is a horrible leader, the Canadian health care system is awful, free speech is not free, gun laws are draconian, and the media here is 100% liberal, so…Thanks to IOTW for letting me get off a mini rant.

  3. @Aaron Burr July 1, 2019 at 9:46 pm

    > The fug do we have so many articles about Canadaland? Only part of it touches America.

    And it hardly touches, at all.
    A whole lot of Bidenesque sniffing, though.

  4. Just went to Toronto over the weekend. Canada is being invaded, just as we are, and it WILL have a profound effect on the U.S., so yes, we do need to be paying attention.

  5. A very large percentage of Canadians live within
    an hours drive of the border and get lots of lefty
    agitprop over the airwaves from The States.
    Many know more about the US than our own citizens
    though the MSM propaganda poisons some of their


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