Ohio Man accused of putting deodorant back on store shelf after using it – IOTW Report

Ohio Man accused of putting deodorant back on store shelf after using it

He is also accused of shoplifting from the store.

11 Comments on Ohio Man accused of putting deodorant back on store shelf after using it

  1. That’s sick. Recently, in a Walmart grocery store, I saw a guy go up to the bagged grapes, which are open at the top, grab a bunch and walk away eating them. I told him that was not cool, but he ignored me. Later, I told two store employees about it, but they did nothing.

    If ya’ll buy ’em, make sure you wash them before eating them. You don’t know where someone’s hands or fingers have been.

  2. I give my ass a little spritz with RIGHT GUARD in the Walmart bathroom and then put it back on the shelf. I’m fresh as a daisy for my next vehicle manslaughter and my slit smells awesome.

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