New James O’Keefe undercover video shows Clinton campaign playing fast and loose with Iowa election laws, directly contradicting their previous statement to Time Magazine. Hillary campaign organizer Sarah Sterner was captured on hidden camera stating: “We don’t want to make our focus voter registration because then we have to like register everyone regardless of whether they’re supporters or not.” The Clinton campaign “maintains that its policy is to register all voters, regardless of their preference in candidates.” Yet paid organizer Sarah Sterner was caught instructing staffers to ask potential supporters “Hey are you a Hillary supporter? And then if not, then like great move on, you know?” —
h/t NoisyRoom
Ha, and wasn’t Hillary all paranoid that O’Keefe was around? Even when trying to put on a decent appearance that campaign can’t keep from effing it up.
Can’t wait to see that witch taken down.
Frog marched to the squad car
LOL! Nice going again James. ?
More like pantsuiting the election laws. Much wider than skirting.
Oh, no! Say it isn’t true! The Clinton campaign filled with deception, lies, stonewalling, and unlawful tactics? What’s next? Murder, dereliction of duty, cronyism, cheating? Hilliary runs a very crooked tight campaign, just as she has her life, so NOTHING should come as a surprise, when it comes to how low she will sink. When you spew the scum in which you live, sometimes you will get splash back. I’m waiting for all of the filth and scum she has created to flood and sink her.