Olympics Takes Down Opening Ceremony Videos Starring Drag Queens Mocking Christianity – IOTW Report

Olympics Takes Down Opening Ceremony Videos Starring Drag Queens Mocking Christianity

Daily Caller:

[…] One man appeared to expose himself, although it is unconfirmed whether it was a wardrobe malfunction or his genitals.

The performance also featured a half-naked blue man emerging from a large serving tray, which the Olympics explained depicts the Greek God Dionysus. Other moments included a potential polyamorous trio enter a bedroom and a heavy-metal performer dressed as Mary Antionette holding her own severed head, Business Insider noted. more

20 Comments on Olympics Takes Down Opening Ceremony Videos Starring Drag Queens Mocking Christianity

  1. ^^^^
    Personally I have not seen one person thinking this bull shit was acceptable. Even the gay community is saying they went way to far. The only idiots that liked this were the fringe whack job trani’s. Why no parental warning. They had things with dicks with their testicles hanging out and they made damn sure you saw it. How was this allowed on national TV during prime time. Someone should sue. I guess they wanted to make sure the little kids watched this perversion.

    There seems to be a good number of gay people that consider themselves Christians.

  2. About most of the world is sick and tired of these disgusting freaks from the Island of Misfit Toys shoving their agenda down our throats and up our collective asses!

  3. Kcir, since I don’t have HULU anymore, I’ve been watching the ROKU channel and mostly watching classic Dr. Who episodes back-to-back and America’s test kitchen. This morning, I watched The World’s Fastest Indian with Anthony Hopkins which is a great movie.

  4. Brad,

    The paid shills of MSM on TV & Radio are raving about it and are showing interviews of SHEEP waxing Poetic.

    Remember, I’m in Onterrible Canuckistan home of one of the Largest pride parades in the world.


  5. The Daily Beast had a headline today: “Christians are all butthurt after the Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony”.

    I imagine the Daily Beast writer is very familiar with what butt hurt feels like. He’s projecting.

  6. Jolly, the opening show director, made known to the committee and media what he was going to do.
    They all approved.
    They can shove their false indignation where the sun don’t shine.

  7. It’s pretty easy to peg all the freaks involved with this wretched spectacle. None of it is good, true, or beautiful. Defacto: bad, false, and ugly.

    When they’re telling you who and what they are, listen to them.

    I’ve read this isn’t the end of things. The Olympic planners are also depriving the athletes of needed animal protein by insisting the athletes’ village restaurant serve “primarily plant-based”, sustainable” foods. The competitors say it’s worse than the Tokyo Olympics (which was pretty bad, I guess).

  8. Come to think of it, I don’t get why they resurrected the Olympics in the late 19th century from its prior version in “Classical” Greece.

    I suppose it was to Bring the World Together in Peace. Well, it didn’t work too well in the 20th century nor so far in the 21st. The taxpayers of every nation involved are the ones who pay the bills for the useless extravaganza.

    I need the Olympics like I need a hole in the head. Screw it. I classify it along with Disneyland and the 15th Star Wars franchise. It’s useless to me.

    Quiz: Who won the gold, silver, and bronze medals in Archery at the last Paris Olympics in 1924? Nobody knows or gives a crap. But I know how many home runs Babe Ruth hit in 1927 – 60. The Babe – now there was an athlete to admire.

  9. @Brad

    “There seems to be a good number of gay people that consider themselves Christians.”

    To me, that’s like people who eat dog poop and call themselves gourmands.

  10. The Closing Ceremony of the 2024 Olympics has got to be just as perverted as the Opening Ceremony. This travesty is not over until the demoniac, fat, blue blob tranny mocking Jesus screams. It’s too late for the French to fix the blasphemous Olympic mess they created.

  11. The next question is will the democraps try to one up the Olympics opening ceremony with an even more vile, anti-American, anti-God, anti-Christian evil invocation during the opening of the democrap convention in 3 weeks on August 19, it wouldn’t surprise me one damn bit. They’ve already kicked God off of their platform multiple times in the past 30 + years.


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