On a Whim I Visited England on Google Earth – IOTW Report

On a Whim I Visited England on Google Earth

I chose Luton because I heard it had a huge influx of Muslim immigrants.

How bad could it be?

joeEnlargen by clicken

25 Comments on On a Whim I Visited England on Google Earth

  1. But of course, especially in the wrong parts of town.

    I was playing with GE last week and found very recent imagery nearby and some that was old. At one intersection I noticed a state trooper along with a shadow of the google car. I followed it down the road about 1/2 mile and notice that the cop pulled over the google car! No imagery of the warning or ticket or whatever but I could sequence the whole stop.

  2. Vacationing over there ain’t fookin cheap. And it sucks.
    Visit the United States of America. New York is beautiful: Lakes, beaches, mountains galore. But the politicians suck. The rest of America is beautiful too, but they got the same fookin politicians.
    If they are bribed enough you’ll have Syrian refugees up your ass in a year.
    Call your rep and bitch. Chances are his fookin secretary will jerk you off on the phone.

  3. Bringing in “refugees” is big business in the USA. The competition for federal grants is tremendous, and if you know how to get the grants, you get a healthy 6 figure salary.

    Seriously, did you think they’d be so welcomed here if someone wasn’t paid big money to host them?

    Now you know why we have no budget and the stimulus is added every year with no accounting.

    Both parties are in on it.

  4. It looks like some small cities in Third World countries. I have bern to Mecico and my first thought was a poor area of Mexico. No offense, Hispanics. The town I grew up in looks like a dilapidated town in Mexico from all the illegals that have taken over. All the Whites moved to the neighboring city.

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