On The Same Day Trump Releases the Nunes Memo A Federal Judge Keeps The Comey Memos Secret – IOTW Report

On The Same Day Trump Releases the Nunes Memo A Federal Judge Keeps The Comey Memos Secret

Daily Caller: On the same day the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released the Nunes memo showing the FBI relied on the salacious and unverified Trump dossier to obtain a surveillance warrant on Carter Page, a federal judge ruled to withhold the Comey memos. The memos, authored by former FBI Director James Comey, are about his nine private conversations with President-elect and President Trump.

U.S. District Judge James Boasberg, who ruled in favor of the FBI’s request to keep the Comey memos secret, also sits on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The FISA court is the same court that approved the surveillance on Trump associates.

Boasberg refused to release the documents on the basis they were still being used by special counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of the alleged Russian collusion with Trump associates.

The judge ruled, “the Comey Memos, at least for now, will remain in the hands of the Special Counsel and not the public.”  more here

15 Comments on On The Same Day Trump Releases the Nunes Memo A Federal Judge Keeps The Comey Memos Secret

  1. it’s beyond the time ‘We, the People” start demanding these ‘judges’, who continually rule for the State against the People (& that’s just what this ‘ruling’ is), be taken out

    … one way, or another

  2. Keeping the investigation open to hide it: SOP for Obama’s Deep State FBI/DOJ:

    “Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering …Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil….”


  3. This is a perfect example of why it was important to release the memo. All this crap about transparency is just that, crap. The swamp would like nothing more than to operate behind a veil of secrecy until they taken all of our rights away. TRAITORS BASTARDS!! We need more public disclosures!

  4. The problem is NOT that one judge was fooled by corrupt government officials at the order and direction of a corrupt demoncrat President and a corrupt demoncrat candidate for President. No, that can happen, all the judge sees is what the corrupt government officials present to him as justification for using the whole power of the Federal government AGAINST their political opponent. The really big problem is that the obama/Holder/Lynch/Comey operation shopped the Oppo research funded by Hillary to FOUR different Judges for the FISA renewals. So far NO ONE is sitting in jail for contempt of court. ……These four judges have known for a couple of months that faked info was used in their court to get BIG Gov surveillance on a political opponent. Either all FOUR judges are incompetent or they are willing participants in this TREASON. It is clear that obama, Hillary Comey, Lynch and Holder were intimately involved in this operation, the question remains who else is involved? Could we have some Main Stream Media members knowingly involved in these terrible acts against our country and ALL Americans? Inquiring minds wish to know. The good news? Not only do we have MORE MEMO’s that will be released soon, but we have an IG report that is due to be released. The better news? We have plenty of popcorn and plenty of jail space – LET THE SHOW BEGIN!

    Eph 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—

    MSG Grumpy

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