One horse power overtakes Chinese motorcycle – IOTW Report

One horse power overtakes Chinese motorcycle

Two people were rear-ended by horse andĀ sent to the hospital.


A man, surnamed Yuan, was taking the horse on a walk along the road. When a motorbike passed by, the horse was frightened by the loud sound of the throttle. Yuan lost control of the horse and it began to run forward.

The owner ran after the horse and tried to catch it. However, he failed, as the horse soon collided with the motorcycle in front of it.

Both the motorist and his friend in the back seat were bowled over and injured. They have left hospital after treatment, according to the report.

The horse was uninjured.

Yes, there is video of the event.

ht/ The Big Owe

7 Comments on One horse power overtakes Chinese motorcycle

  1. Hopefully the HORSE is ok.
    I could say something about the two dumbtards on the motorcycle (really?? HAHAHAHAHA) who passed too close to the horse and frightened it, but I’ll refrain. This time.

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