Online ‘black’ dating site uses words like ‘mocha’ for skin color…Twitter PC police are FURIOUS. – IOTW Report

Online ‘black’ dating site uses words like ‘mocha’ for skin color…Twitter PC police are FURIOUS.

RWN: A dating website made exclusively for black people has caused outrage after asking members to pick their matches based on favorite skin shades and whether or not their hair is kinky. Many are calling the match criteria “racist.”

The new dating site, called “Smoochr,” is taking heat for not only offering the “racist” mate search categories but for only offering the service to heterosexual men and women.

In front of a picture of a man and a woman kissing, the website, believed to be based in the US, reads: ‘Discover black singles by complexion, hair style, moral views and more!’


SNIP: Why don’t a handful of these sensitive bitches open up their own dating site and leave everyone else the hell alone? I’ll even start them off with some name ideas:

Safe Spaces
Single Whiny Jackasses

18 Comments on Online ‘black’ dating site uses words like ‘mocha’ for skin color…Twitter PC police are FURIOUS.

  1. Kathy O’Keefe Mulcahy,
    I agree with the concept of Freedom of Association.
    But it’s SO MUCH FUN to point out the hypocrisy of those that would “lecture” and “scold” and “shame” the rest of us for doing the very same thing that they themselves are now doing. In this case, setting up a Blacks Heterosexual Only on-line dating site. When anyone else doing the same for WHite Hetrosexuals would have the wrath of People of Color and LGBTXYZ called down upon their heads.

    Goose, gander, sauce.

  2. I wonder what dating site Obama used to find Mooch? Sissy half black homosexual twirp undercover Muslim Mau Mau seeks former linebacker turned hefty female clothes wearing mentally challenged and always angry black dude to form a political alliance (pseudo-marriage) to be used to undermine and decimate white Christian America!

  3. Many black folk do NOT like the idea of homosexuality and…. What’s the problem with picking a shade of blackness?

    We know that black men have been purposely adding the white chicks to their gene pools in order to lighten the black race. Shade is a factor apparently.

  4. @Aggie: Because, not only are the black keys smaller than the privileged white keys, they are often relegated to the job of producing “minor” notes – an obvious racist term design to belittle and subjugate the oppressed “darkkeys”.

    Don’t believe it? Ask any social justice warrior musician.


  5. I went to a junior high school in Los Angeles (about a thousand years ago) and I can still remember the black girls talking about boys they liked based on skin color (they liked lighter) and “fine” hair. But as usual, it’s OK if blacks do it…

  6. That’s the warped world of liberalism. Liberals insist on muddled or suppressed cultural distinctions, because individual preferences (including traits tied to culture) can’t be controlled.

    Message to black liberals, “Get back inside the plantation, runaway slaves. You’re not allowed to identify with the gender you were born with, cultural or personal considerations even when dating”

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