Oprah Had a Plan to Run With Mitt Romney in 2020 to Stop Trump From Winning Again – IOTW Report

Oprah Had a Plan to Run With Mitt Romney in 2020 to Stop Trump From Winning Again


Back in 2018, Oprah Winfrey pooh-poohed speculation that she might make a run for the White House, saying a presidential campaign “would kill me.” A new biography about Sen. Mitt Romney due out Tuesday, however, adds some interesting context to that, with a somewhat surprising nugget about Winfrey and the Utah Republican. A source tells Axios’ Mike Allen that in McKay Coppins’ Romney: A Reckoning, Romney tells Coppins that the Democratic talk show host approached him to run on a 2020 ticket with her to “save the country” from the possible reelection of former President Trump.

Romney is said to have told Coppins that he blew off the proposal, as he felt such a run would only help Trump in the long run. Meanwhile, a source said to be “familiar with Winfrey’s thinking” says that Oprah—who interviewed Romney and his wife in 2012, when he was running for president against then-President Obama—wasn’t actually serious about a run, even though some in her circle thought she really would go for it. 

19 Comments on Oprah Had a Plan to Run With Mitt Romney in 2020 to Stop Trump From Winning Again

  1. Sure. Because a former talk show host who started out featuring human oddities and oddly formed relationships is the ideal candidate for the country’s economic security and world affairs.

    What am I saying? Barry Sotero never even had a job!

  2. The only “Bush Republican” I remember ever admitting they were all the time democrats were: SNARLIN Arlen, and Charley Christ. There are/were likely other “Bush Republicans’ that “came out” these 2 PO’D ME. SNARLIN’s BORKING of Bork still makes me mad – almost 36 years later. Mitt would have been admitting he always had been aush Republican”/Democrat had he even admitted talks to her!

    Therefore I think he did “Blow her”.

  3. Then again, why not. She’s an unmarried woman giving marital advise, a woman with no children giving parental advise and an overweight hog-a-saurus giving dietary advise so why wouldn’t she be good at running the…..oh, never mind.


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