Outrage over Chinese-Canadian girl murdered by “refugee” shocks media – IOTW Report

Outrage over Chinese-Canadian girl murdered by “refugee” shocks media


Ezra Levant of The Rebel reports on the media’s reaction to Chinese-Canadians outraged over the murder of a teenage girl by a Syrian “refugee”.


6 Comments on Outrage over Chinese-Canadian girl murdered by “refugee” shocks media

  1. She was expecting the Murderer and not the Victims to be dominating the Vigil / Protest, and She was Pissed that the Slime did’nt show up as if She were stood up for a Date.

  2. I’m guessing the producers of the TV news show edited out a statement by the female reporter saying that she was also super disappointed the number of Syrian protesters, in support of the murder, was a lot smaller than the number of Chinese-Canadian protesters – angry about the girl being murdered & the don’t care attitude of JT.


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