Over 2,000 Starbucks Workers Strike for Unionization at Over 100 US Stores – IOTW Report

Over 2,000 Starbucks Workers Strike for Unionization at Over 100 US Stores

Epoch Times: More than 2,000 workers at 112 Starbucks locations across the United States joined the first nationwide strike that lasted one day, in a year-long attempt at unionization.

The coffee company owns roughly 9,000 locations in the United States with over 70,000 employees.

The Starbucks employees walked off the job on Nov. 17, hoping to shut down shops as they protested the coffee chain’s approach to union contract negotiations, at the start of its profitable holiday season.

Striking workers called the walkout the “Red Cup Rebellion,” which spread across 25 states, covering 112 stores in cities like Seattle, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Eugene, and Ann Arbor.

The strike coincided with Starbucks’s annual “Red Cup Day,” when its stores hand out free, red reusable travel mugs to customers who order particular beverages, causing lines of customers to gather early to collect the free giveaway.

Customers also receive discounts and extra bonus points on future purchases with the reusable red holiday cups. more

28 Comments on Over 2,000 Starbucks Workers Strike for Unionization at Over 100 US Stores

  1. Never understood people paying as much for a cup of coffee as you pay for a whole can.
    Its coffee!
    If I wanted an idiot to make my coffee I wouldn’t make it myself.

  2. It’s been years and years since I bought anything at Starbutts. I think it was at an airport – not sure. I don’t care what they do, I don’t patronize businesses where every employee is branded, pierced, and different hair colors of the rainbow. I chose not to pay their salary, nor do I want to talk with them.

  3. Never been in a Starbucks. I DO drink coffee. Still don’t care.

    Workers of the Coffee Emporia, UNITE!
    You have nothing to lose but your jobs!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Brad: My favorites for Peets Dark Roast coffees are Major Dickonson, House Blend, Alma De La Tierra. Don’t know if you have a Raley’s near you, but that’s where I buy Peets. If I’m at Costco, I’ll pick up a big bag of it. I hate French Roast – any brand…tastes like burnt rubber.

  5. MJA,

    Personally, for me only, Tim’s is a cup of Warm Heartburn with “Par Baked” Dog’s Nuts.

    Most (not all) of their stores finish the final cooking on site. The donuts are not fresh up here.
    source: Globe & Mail News May 14/2022

    They lost their asses 2 previous times when they tried to expand into the USA, so if History repeats itself…

    I brew my own at home & save the cash for Bourbon.

    Kicking Horse Coffee: 3 favs.
    454 Horsepower: Smooth but winds you up like a crack addict. Energy.
    Grizzly Claw: Strong But smooth.
    Kick Ass: Kicks you out of bed in the morning.

    Much Less Heartburn and roughly 25 cups for $13-$16 Canuckistan Dollars.

  6. Brad,

    You lift weights and smoke? (not judging AT ALL)

    I ride my Bikes in summer like a fiend & use weights in Winter but obviously I drink to much. TOO MUCH!
    I’m a total fuck up…

  7. Over roasted strike! Caffeine injected (for the addictive property) burnt coffee at five to twelve dollars a cup, plus tip.

    Brilliant! Strike for a ‘living wage’ doing a teenager’s first job! Aim low, as you are and do, just remember if you aim low enough you’ll shoot yourself in the foot!

  8. Brad,

    I forgot about Chew, its Not very common up here.

    A sincere Best of luck on the alcohol.
    Not one drop this weekend, and I’m NOT in a bad mood.
    Its the customers & Monday that will be a real test.

    Cheers with mineral water.

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