Oxford relaxes academic standards for minorities – IOTW Report

Oxford relaxes academic standards for minorities

college fix-

The Independent reported the new program is a response to criticism that Oxford and Cambridge enrolls too few black students. A 2018 Independent article noted that Cambridge data showed some of its colleges admitted no black British students over five years. And a 2018 article pointed out that at Oxford only a “handful” of black students were admitted — less than 2 percent.

As for this new foundation program, the Independent reports:

“Around 50 bright students who have experienced severe disadvantage or educational disruption, and are not in a position to make a “competitive application”, will be offered a foundation year.

Students eligible for the programme, who will be able to get a place with lower A-level grades than other applicants, may include refugees and children in care or with care responsibilities themselves.

The participants will all be based at Oxford colleges and provided they successfully complete the programme, will move on to the undergraduate degree for which they were admitted.”

The vice-chancellor of Oxford, Louise Richardson, called the admissions policy adjustment “a sea change.”


It certainly is.

A “C” is now changed.

20 Comments on Oxford relaxes academic standards for minorities

  1. Living direct proof of Leftist racism.

    Thomas Sowell nailed it when he called this kind of crap “the Left’s soft bigotry of lowered expectations towards minorities.”

  2. How many times does it take for the relaxing of standards to bite them in the butt before they get a clue. That Somali cop in Minneapolis, who EVERYONE associated with his training said he wasn’t qualified, shot and killed a woman who ‘startled’ him by coming up to the car to talk to them.

    I’m sure there are examples in every field, but the police, medical, firefighters and military are fields that can get someone killed. It’s not just irritating anymore.

  3. No matter how you word it and justify it, this a racist action that assumes minorities are intellectually substandard compared to whites (and orientals) and can’t make it without special considerations.

  4. do we need any more proof that a college education is absolutely worthless?

    (exceptions for Engineering & Science … & I take certain exceptions in Science)

  5. “Oxford relaxes academic standards for minorities”

    …leaving it unsaid that any institution that would admit Bill Clinton didn’t have any standards in the FIRST place…

  6. seriously, at this point I’m thinking when someone is spouting their ‘Big U Degree’ is how many cranks did your mom & cuck dad have to chow down on to get you that paper?

  7. I notice the SAT and ACT prep course industry is now offering programs to explain the new aDvErSiTy pOiNts that are being added to standardized test scores, in order to continue racial discrimination in college admissions. It’s only 100 points max now, but give it a couple years, it’ll be 300.

  8. Actually they didn’t relax their standards. It seems they did create an affirmative action program though. For 50 disadvantaged but still bright persons of color that don’t have the appropriate credentials they are offering a year of study to bring them up to acceptance level. Upon successful passing they go into year one of a degree. Not a bad idea although it may be appropriate to offer a similar program to equally poor white folk. Too often colleges accept blacks from crummy secondary schools to fill a quota and then leave them to spin in the wind when they can’t handle the academics. They end up hanging on for a year or two before giving up and leaving carrying a hefty student loan. Not much of a leg up.

  9. This is just about stupid unqualified people being given something that they don’t have the abilities to earn just to make the crusading leftists feel good.

  10. “I say, old chap, would you care for some fries with that?”

    If you can relax the “standards” they aren’t standards.
    Just as a debt “ceiling,” that can be raised, isn’t a ceiling.

    We must maintain the pretense – perpetuate the fiction.

    Pretend, for the sake of the feelings of the “minorities,” that they are “achieving” something they’re not. Propping them up with fictions is, well, doing them a great disservice in the long haul.

    “Youze momma’s special l’il boy!”

    izlamo delenda est …


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