Page 203 of IG Report says Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton tarmac meeting was planned via Secret Service, FBI – IOTW Report

Page 203 of IG Report says Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton tarmac meeting was planned via Secret Service, FBI

Biz Pac Review: Stunning revelations from the IG report of DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz (an Obama appointee) suggests that the 2016 tarmac meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton was coordinated — contradicting their claims that the meeting was accidental and coincidental.

In 2016, Lynch — the U.S. attorney general under Barack Obama — secretly met for 30 minutes with Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac in Arizona. At the time, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the FBI over her 30,000 deleted emails and her destroyed government-issued phones, which she and her team smashed with hammers.

Several days after the tarmac meeting, the DOJ (which was headed by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch) decided not to file any charges against Hillary for her unauthorized use of an unsecured, private email server to conduct government business and her mass-deletion of 30,000 emails.

Page 203 of the IG report suggests that Bill Clinton’s Secret Service detail had contacted Lynch’s FBI detail to set up the meeting when their planes were on the tarmac. MORE

19 Comments on Page 203 of IG Report says Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton tarmac meeting was planned via Secret Service, FBI

  1. Of course they were choreographed and memorized, shaken but not stirred.

    These ego’s never do anything without their handlers being involved (unless it’s Bill riding the Lolita Express).

    Of course records are lost occasionally (;<}

  2. It couldn’t have been otherwise.

    Does no-one in the media and Department of “Justice” have any common sense?

    We’ve been played. The media, the FBI, the DoJ, and the SS are corrupt – corrupt beyond repair. Not a single individual (excepting the media, of course, who swore none) has honored his Oath.
    It is a sad time for America.

    izlamo delenda est …


  3. “Bill Clinton’s Secret Service detail had contacted Lynch’s FBI detail to set up the meeting”

    what’s the penalty for lying under oath ?

    what’s the penalty for treason ?

    the taxpayers will be paying for their retirement after getting shafted by them ?
    this has got to end.

  4. Anyone wonder how the Executive Summary at the beginning of the report explicitly says no planned tarmac meeting, yet page 203 says the meeting was prearranged by their respective SS details?

    Exactly how does that work?

  5. I’m wondering why these “revelations” keep dribbling out in the media. Granted, the IG Report is 500+ pages, but did no major media outlets actually have anyone read the entire thing when it was released?

  6. If you are willing to break your Oath of Office for the little things, after a while it becomes less and less important. You are on a slippery slope Soon you turn a blind eye to larger things and you become jaded. Bill you hit the nail on the head. We the People are stuck with the expense of these TRAITORS, one and all, when they retire with their big ole Gubment pensions. Slick Willy collects his, Hillary collects two (U.S. Senator from New York, and U.S. Sec. of State) Lynch has a couple, both State and Federal, and we should not forget Ole John (I served in Vietnam, and caught Herpes from Jane Fonda) Kerry who is another double-dipping TRAITOR, nor his lil butt buddy and boss Barry. Debbie Washershorts is barely in the limelight for her running of an illegal Pakistani Spy Nest where bribery, and blackmail were, and still are, the soup dejour. She is still a friggin Congress Critter in “Good Standing” for Florida. The whole damn thing is a nest of eels. Lysol just won’t work with this bunch. We need a Super Industrial Strength Cleaner like TRUMPANATOR 2020 to remove these stains.

  7. SIMPLE, squeakyfromm.
    Someone from The Swamp – under Horowitz’s umbrella – wrote the Summary, and Horowitz & Co. wrote the body of the text. That way, it makes it easy to identify the idiots who only read the Summary.

  8. Bill “Horndog” Clinton probably has a shitpot load of grandkids. We know he’s seeded a large swath of our planet, he just may not know who or where they are!


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