Start The New Year Right
There’s something about truly tasteless, offensive jokes that are just down right funny. Actually, there are whole genres of ethnic groups excluded from the 30 chosen by this guy, but there [Read More]
There’s something about truly tasteless, offensive jokes that are just down right funny. Actually, there are whole genres of ethnic groups excluded from the 30 chosen by this guy, but there [Read More]
Breitbart: Baltimore Residents Blaming Murder Increase on Lack of Police After BLM Protesters Demanded Pullback. Black American residents of Baltimore, Maryland, are now blaming a lower police presence for the city’s [Read More]
Newsweek- The Trump administration is calling on the government of Iran to cease blocking access to popular social media sites as thousands of citizens gather across the country to protest [Read More]
We’ve all heard it, or have witnessed it, ourselves at some point. A person who was supposed to die manages to live long enough to enjoy the holidays with the [Read More]
This is my kinda president. I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad [Read More]
Breitbart: Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch announced in a video message on Tuesday that he will retire at the end of his current term — after serving four decades in the [Read More]
WBAL11: BARTOW, Fla. —A judge says Florida authorities must retain custody of a horse whose owner was charged with driving drunk while riding the animal. In a report by The [Read More] Police arrested a couple after a manager at a North Austin restaurant noticed them engaging in oral sex at a booth in front of customers, according to an arrest [Read More]
British researchers have finally admitted the obvious. You can’t force kids to play with toys that don’t agree with their gender. The geniuses conclude this a “phenomenon and the likelihood [Read More]
We reported this this morning. But it’s worth repeating and examining more closely. Max Boot, a guy who still insists he’s a conservative, hates Donald Trump. Donald Trump, as most [Read More]
They want him to be quiet so that no one notices Team 0bama’s failures with Iran. Good luck with that. American Thinker: Former secretary of state (and Vietnam veteran) John [Read More]
PJ Media- Bosch Fawstin is one of the most well-known former Muslim artists, famous (or in certain circles, infamous) for his cartoons about Islam in general, and specifically for daring to [Read More]
Front Page: When Obama crawled into bed with Iran, so did the media. Defending the legacy of the Iran Deal has become one of the media’s projects. And so the [Read More]
NTK: What’s on the president’s agenda for the year ahead? Here’s what to look out for in the new year. President Trump’s first year in office delivered wins for the [Read More]
Breitbart: President Trump reduced foreign refugee admissions by roughly 70 percent in nearly the first year of his presidency, a new report reveals. Center for Immigration Studies researcher Nayla Rush released [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.