Illegal Alien Round-Up
All stories from illegal alien crime Obama Made Deal With Hezbollah To Bring Tons Of Cocaine Into U.S. From Mexico For Eight Years. Newsweek – The Islamist militant group [Read More]
All stories from illegal alien crime Obama Made Deal With Hezbollah To Bring Tons Of Cocaine Into U.S. From Mexico For Eight Years. Newsweek – The Islamist militant group [Read More]
There’s something about truly tasteless, offensive jokes that are just down right funny. Actually, there are whole genres of ethnic groups excluded from the 30 chosen by this guy, but there [Read More]
Breitbart: Baltimore Residents Blaming Murder Increase on Lack of Police After BLM Protesters Demanded Pullback. Black American residents of Baltimore, Maryland, are now blaming a lower police presence for the city’s [Read More]
Newsweek- The Trump administration is calling on the government of Iran to cease blocking access to popular social media sites as thousands of citizens gather across the country to protest [Read More]
We’ve all heard it, or have witnessed it, ourselves at some point. A person who was supposed to die manages to live long enough to enjoy the holidays with the [Read More]
This is my kinda president. I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad [Read More]
Breitbart: Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch announced in a video message on Tuesday that he will retire at the end of his current term — after serving four decades in the [Read More]
WBAL11: BARTOW, Fla. —A judge says Florida authorities must retain custody of a horse whose owner was charged with driving drunk while riding the animal. In a report by The [Read More] Police arrested a couple after a manager at a North Austin restaurant noticed them engaging in oral sex at a booth in front of customers, according to an arrest [Read More]
British researchers have finally admitted the obvious. You can’t force kids to play with toys that don’t agree with their gender. The geniuses conclude this a “phenomenon and the likelihood [Read More]
We reported this this morning. But it’s worth repeating and examining more closely. Max Boot, a guy who still insists he’s a conservative, hates Donald Trump. Donald Trump, as most [Read More]
They want him to be quiet so that no one notices Team 0bama’s failures with Iran. Good luck with that. American Thinker: Former secretary of state (and Vietnam veteran) John [Read More]
PJ Media- Bosch Fawstin is one of the most well-known former Muslim artists, famous (or in certain circles, infamous) for his cartoons about Islam in general, and specifically for daring to [Read More]
Front Page: When Obama crawled into bed with Iran, so did the media. Defending the legacy of the Iran Deal has become one of the media’s projects. And so the [Read More]
NTK: What’s on the president’s agenda for the year ahead? Here’s what to look out for in the new year. President Trump’s first year in office delivered wins for the [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.