A Beautiful Cat Enters Our Pet Portrait Gallery
This is Charlotte, a beautiful feline.
This is Charlotte, a beautiful feline.
DC: Evergreen State College has settled a tort claim with professor Bret Weinstein and his wife Heather Heying for $500,000 in connection to the 2017 “Day of Absence” protests, which [Read More]
Trump retweets People’s Cube meme, media has seizures Starting this Sunday morning the world’s most serious and respectable newspapers and magazines (see the impressive list below) have been having conniptions and reaching [Read More]
Oh, I don’t want a soul, baby Hangin’ around my house when I’m not at home…
Politifact fact-checked Hillary’s latest bomb of a book – What Happened – and determined it to be fact based through and through. Politifact seems to have missed the part where [Read More]
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (the unit within Health and Human Services handling Obamacare) is projecting that 63 counties will have no Obamacare insurer in 2018 and 1,472 [Read More]
John McCain, even facing probable death, continues to be a jerk. You’d think he’d mellow, get humble and start to shape a legacy that might keep some people from the [Read More]
Constitution.com: We were reminded once again yesterday that Europe is still deep within the throes of a radical Islamic terror tirade that could last for decades. The bucket bomb that [Read More]
Three academics in Australia think they know why girls aren’t as interested in physics as boys. Because boys can pee standing up and engage in “playful urination.” That’s right, because boys [Read More]
Breitbart London: Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to the European migrant crisis, possibly providing a [Read More]
Watch… You think Europe is in peril, eh? NIP THIS $HIT IN THE BUD NOW. ht/ c. steven tucker The intolerable & intrusive sound of #Islamic imperialism in Brooklyn, New [Read More]
After 15 deaths and 300 hospitalizations, San Diego has begun using bleach to scour the streets and sidewalks of this once-great city. More
Yesterday was the “Mother of All Rallies” of Trump supporters in the nation’s capital. Of course idiots self identifying as antifa showed up with their faces covered ready to attack [Read More]
DC: A CNN broadcast Saturday cut off an African-American Trump supporter in the middle of answering a question about “white guilt” posed by a reporter. “I [have seen] one shirt [Read More]
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