McCain Kills Skinny Repeal Vote
3 Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2017 [Read More]
3 Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2017 [Read More]
[..] Steven Wasserman is an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, who, based on his LinkedIn profile, works with the violent crime and narcotics trafficking section of the [Read More]
Daily Caller: A Turkish reporter admitted that he inaccurately quoted White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, who was reported to have lavished praise on Turkish President Recep Erdogan. A White [Read More]
The site, The Meme Policemen, only takes on memes (but, give them time. Snopes started as a site that tackled urban legends.) My brief review of the site seems to indicate that [Read More]
The Stream- President Trump has been calling for “our beleaguered” Attorney General Jeff Sessions to go hard after leakers. Seems he already is. FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is [Read More]
NTK- A new poll from J.D. Power of NFL viewers who had started to watch less games showed that the main reason for the decreased viewership was Colin Kaepernick’s anti-national [Read More]
RIP June Foray. Foray voiced- Rocky the Flying Squirrel Natasha Fatale Cindy Lou Hoo Little Ricky’s Dog on I Love Lucy Witch Hazel Tweety’s Owner- Granny Talking Tina of The [Read More]
NTK: White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders presented Education Secretary Betsy DeVos with a check from President Trump for $100,000 at the White House press briefing on Wednesday. Trump [Read More]
No gays or animals: Italian guest house under fire for rejecting gay couple. Telegraph- The owner of a guesthouse has sparked outrage in Italy after refusing to host a gay couple saying [Read More]
Better Names For Hillary’s New Book “What Happened.”
CNN has found what they are looking for. Why is this not wall to wall 24/7/365?
Someone made Punch Porn out of it, so we get to see Trudeau getting his clock cleaned repeatedly. Notice the fag closes his eyes whenever he throws a punch. ht/ [Read More]
It’s a jungle out there! NYP: When Florida police officer Alfredo Vargas responded to a call about an alligator blocking a resident’s front door, he decided he wasn’t going to [Read More]
NYP: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin plans to subpoena close to two dozen New York Times reporters, editors and other workers as part of her defamation lawsuit against the newspaper, it [Read More]
CFP: Currently, the United States “enjoys” a 39.1% corporate tax rate – the third highest corporate tax rate on Earth, and the highest in the Western world. Donald Trump has [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.